Be Careful What You Share on Facebook: Professor Ben Bongang

Today we bring to you Part 2 of Africa Agenda’s Cel­e­bra­tion of World Press Free­dom Day in 2019. Greet­ings to our all of guests in the Unit­ed States and around the world.  Les­son to be learned: High-qual­i­­ty news is impor­tant News man­agers must make a clear dis­tinc­tion between report­ing and opin­ion writ­ing Africans must learn to separate…

Western Media and Africa

Neg­a­tive and inac­cu­rate news cov­er­age of Africa by West­ern media is a seri­ous issue that needs to be addressed. While the press can build up, it also can tear down and dis­rupt our way of think­ing. While it com­mu­ni­cates pow­er­ful­ly, the press often times works to influ­ence pol­i­cy and shape debates, opin­ions, and actions on…


Writing During Trump Era — 6 Things African Journalists Must Know

Writ­ing dur­ing the Don­ald Trump Era: It was crit­i­cal for those who advo­cat­ed on behalf of the African con­ti­nent, African blog­gers and jour­nal­ists espe­cial­ly, to take a stand and fight for the con­ti­nent we believe in. African blog­gers need to have a voice on the inter­net, just as the mil­i­tary has a voice on the…