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Murdoch acknowledges Fox News hosts election fraud falsehoods

This sto­ry, plus Vice names Bruce Dixon and Hoze­fa Lokhand­wala as co-CEOs, a look at CNN’s new plan for its 9 PM prime­time slot and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Feb 27, 2023Murdoch acknowl­edges Fox News hosts endorsed elec­tion fraud false­hoods Jere­my W. Peters, Katie Robert­son / The New York Times Feb […] The…

What Joint Drills With South African, Russian Navies Mean for China 

South Africa is under fire for host­ing joint naval exer­cis­es with Rus­sia dur­ing the one-year anniver­sary of the inva­sion of Ukraine, with crit­ics say­ing it will be a pro­pa­gan­da vic­to­ry for Moscow. But what does the third par­tic­i­pant in the drills, Chi­na, have to gain from the tri­par­tite exer­cis­es tak­ing place this week? Some ana­lysts told…