George Bamu, the founder of the U.S.-based 501C (3) non-profit, Africa Agenda, is a journalist, writer, and IT practitioner. A native of Cameroon, Bamu has lived in Aurora, Colorado for more than two decades. **Learn more at AfricaAgenda Dot Org

After Cameroonians in the US Get TPS, A look Beyond the News

DENVER, USA — (AFRICA NEWS MATTERS) News that an esti­mat­ed 40,000 Cameroo­ni­ans liv­ing in the Unit­ed States may qual­i­fy for Tem­po­rary Pro­tect­ed Sta­tus or TPS rock­et­ed to the top of the charts in the past week.  There are sev­er­al key dimen­sions to this sto­ry — not just the fact that the Cameroon­ian ben­e­fi­cia­ries who are fleeing…

Denver Plans Direct Flights to a “Growing African Continent”

DENVER  — (AFRICA NEWS MATTERS)  Recent­ly we learned Den­ver Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (DIA) and the city of Den­ver, fond­ly called the mile-high city, in the US state of Col­orado, have begun explor­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties for direct flights to con­ti­nen­tal Africa. DIA has set up a team that is work­ing on this ini­tia­tive called Den­ver Air Ser­vice Committee. …

Africa News Highlights — April 8, 2022

DENVER — (AFRICA NEWS MATTERS)  AFRICA NEWS HIGHLIGHTS — April 8, 2022. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? April 7, 2022 — The New York Times The New York Times: A Covid Mys­tery in Africa. April 4, 2022 — FIFA Third time lucky for Cameroon?. April 4, 2022 — My Broad­band South Africa’s top 10 news publications…

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Africa New Highlights — March 28, 2022

DENVER, USA — (Africa News Mat­ters)  Our Africa News High­lights focus­es on some of the most impact­ful head­lines out of and about Africa that you may have missed. This week’s sto­ries come from the fol­low­ing pub­li­ca­tions: For­eign Pol­i­cy Research Insti­tute, Asso­ci­at­ed Press (AP), CBS News, Slate Mag­a­zine, Fed­er­al News Net­work, and The Guardian.  WHY ARE…

With Coverage of Guinea Coup, US News Media Dumb Down the News

I’ve writ­ten about US news media cov­er­age of the African con­ti­nent over the course of many years. In my analy­sis of the cov­er­age seen, the empha­sis con­tin­ues to be on what’s wrong with the con­ti­nent, with lit­tle effort made to report progress made over many decades of African social, eco­nom­ic, and demo­c­ra­t­ic change. The coverage…

Cameroon Anglophone Crisis Receives Attention from CNN

A desta­bi­liz­ing war between the gov­ern­ment in Yaoundé, Cameroon, and Anglo­phone sep­a­ratists has been going on for more than four years. Hun­dreds of civil­ians have died as a result. Thou­sands have been dis­placed and are now refugees in neigh­bor­ing coun­tries. Most nego­ti­a­tions to resolve the con­flict appear to have failed. With each pass­ing day that…