Djibouti’s Green Energy Revolution Not Getting Attention It Deserves

Uncov­er­ing the News — 04/05/21 – 04/13/21 What’s At Stake: This world­wide silence about such a big accom­plish­ment for the small East African coun­try shows once again that for many news orga­ni­za­tions, Africa only makes the news in neg­a­tive instances.   Dji­bouti, an East African nation is mak­ing it big with green ener­gy. On April 13, The…

Uncovering the News — 03/30/21 – 04/05/21

What’s At Stake: The news media applauds Bas­ket­ball Africa League (BAL) which kicks off its inau­gur­al sea­son on May 16 at Kigali World Are­na, news orga­ni­za­tions exam­ine the actions of the French mil­i­tary that result­ed in civil­ian deaths in the nation of Mali, and media out­lets report clash­es and killings in Sudan. Bas­ket­ball Africa League (BAL)…

Uncovering the News — 03/22/21 – 03/29/21

What’s At Stake: African media applaud the effort of a Niger­ian bil­lion­aire who is giv­ing back to the home­land, Tigray con­flict con­tin­ues to grab the head­lines as Eritrea begins a peace effort by with­draw­ing its troops from Ethiopia, and pres­sure mounts on inter­na­tion­al insti­tu­tions to return loot­ed African arti­facts where they belong.  Niger­ian Bil­lion­aire Pays It…