Africans More Optimistic about Future: Pew Study

News that the African con­ti­nent is mak­ing progress con­tin­ues to pour in. Not only is the con­ti­nent mak­ing progress eco­nom­i­cal­ly and polit­i­cal­ly, but opti­mism by the African peo­ple is also play­ing a role in this as well. In a recent Pew Research Cen­ter sur­vey of eight nations, the research found that Africans were more opti­mistic about…

Obama Majority Yearning for Real Engagement with Africa

The recrim­i­na­tions are pour­ing in; Mitt Rom­ney and the GOP lost the elec­tions, big time. What’s the rea­son for the loss? Let’s take a look at what peo­ple are say­ing in Amer­i­ca and beyond. Many pun­dits, includ­ing those who wrong­ly pre­dict­ed the out­come of the elec­tions, attribute the main cause to chang­ing U.S. demo­graph­ics. Ross…