In Case You Missed It: 5/1/17 — 5/31/17

This week’s most impor­tant head­lines out of and about Africa In this week’s news, an Ethiopi­an is elect­ed the new WHO Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, South Africa’s Pres­i­dent faces more inves­ti­ga­tions for alleged cor­rup­tion, and long­time Zim­bab­wean leader, Robert Mugabe goes on a speak­ing tour. Ethiopi­an Politi­cian Named Head of the WHO The World Health Orga­ni­za­tion (WHO) has elected…

In Case You Missed It: 12/26/16 — 1/2/17

This week’s most impor­tant head­lines out of and about Africa. In this week’s news, pol­i­tics take cen­ter stage in the African con­ti­nent. Elec­tions in The Gam­bia and Ghana are being final­ized and a look ahead to Zim­bab­we in 2018.  Elec­tion Results in The Gam­bia Gam­bian Pres­i­dent Yahya Jam­meh sur­prised near­ly the entire world when he acknowledged…

Mugabe Critics Offer No Solutions to Zimbabwe’s Woes

This past week Zim­bab­we’s pres­i­dent, Robert Mugabe cel­e­brat­ed his 92nd birth­day. In the midst of a severe drought and mass star­va­tion, Mugabe spent a lit­tle over $800,000 with stu­dents singing, and with mul­ti­ple politi­cians attend­ing the event. Writ­ing for Quartz Africa, Tanashe Mushaka­van­hu states that “To out­side observers, it can be hard to rec­on­cile how Mugabe…

Zimbabwe Tries Again

Pho­to: All A good friend of mine in Harare said to me three years ago, “please let there be no elec­tions. The peo­ple here fear noth­ing more. We just want to be left alone for long enough to rebuild.” Most peo­ple agree that elec­tions are quin­tes­sen­tial demo­c­ra­t­ic rit­u­als. But faux elec­tions may only make…

No Rest for the Weary in Zimbabwe

In yet anoth­er set­back to bring­ing last­ing peace to Zim­bab­we, Reuters News Ser­vice report­ed Mon­day that there is a dead­lock in nego­ti­a­tions between the rul­ing ZANU PF par­ty and the oppo­si­tion Move­ment for Demo­c­ra­t­ic Change(MDC) on the terms of imple­men­ta­tion of the Sep­tem­ber 2008 pow­er-shar­ing agree­ment. Both sides are cur­rent­ly at a region­al sum­mit to…