UN Peacekeeping Troop Rotations to Resume in Mali

Bamako, Mali —  The U.N. peace­keep­ing mis­sion in Mali, MINUSMA, is to resume con­tin­gent rota­tions start­ing Mon­day under fresh approval pro­ce­dures, the Malian for­eign min­is­ter and a U.N. spokes­woman have said. “MINUSMA agreed to the new pro­ce­dures and com­mu­ni­cat­ed them to all coun­tries con­tribut­ing troops. There will be no excep­tion,” For­eign Min­is­ter Abdoulaye Diop said Saturday,…

In Mali, a Massacre With a Russian Footprint

BAMAKO, Mali — On the last Sun­day in March before Ramadan, thou­sands of mer­chants and vil­lagers filled the mar­ket of Moura, in cen­tral Mali, trad­ing cat­tle in a vast pen and stock­ing up on spices and veg­eta­bles in the town’s sandy alleys. Sud­den­ly, five low-fly­­ing heli­copters thrummed over­head, some fir­ing weapons and draw­ing gun­fire in…

Russia Flounders in Ukraine but Doubles Down in Mali

A man sits near a por­trait of Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin dur­ing a demon­stra­tion in Bamako, Mali, on Feb. 19, cel­e­brat­ing France’s announce­ment that it will with­draw its troops from the coun­try. FLORENT VERGNES/AFP via Get­ty Images On March 30, as Russ­ian forces con­tin­ued their strug­gle to con­quer Ukrain­ian cities, Russ­ian arms sup­pli­ers deliv­ered a…

Uncovering the News — 03/30/21 – 04/05/21

What’s At Stake: The news media applauds Bas­ket­ball Africa League (BAL) which kicks off its inau­gur­al sea­son on May 16 at Kigali World Are­na, news orga­ni­za­tions exam­ine the actions of the French mil­i­tary that result­ed in civil­ian deaths in the nation of Mali, and media out­lets report clash­es and killings in Sudan. Bas­ket­ball Africa League (BAL)…