At DU, Students Learn about an Early Warning System for Conflicts in Africa

The num­ber of con­flicts in the world today, includ­ing those that are tak­ing place in the African con­ti­nent, remains a cause of con­cern to many. Today the world has the largest num­ber of con­flicts since the Sec­ond World War. Some of these con­flicts are not just in Africa. They include the con­flicts in Ukraine. The cumulative…

Advocates in Denver Decry Rights Abuses in South Sudan 

Feb­ru­ary 22 is the lat­est dead­line set by the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty, includ­ing the lead­ing spon­sors of peace in South Sudan – the Unit­ed States, Unit­ed King­dom, Nor­way, and Italy –for both the gov­ern­ment and the oppo­si­tion to reach an agree­ment and resolve the con­flict in the war-torn coun­try. This dead­line to form a uni­ty government…