Pandemic Creates New Billionaires as Global Inequality Rises 

Lon­don —  The world’s bil­lion­aires have increased their wealth by tril­lions of dol­lars since the begin­ning of the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic, while the world’s poor­est peo­ple are strug­gling with soar­ing prices and ris­ing debt, accord­ing to an analy­sis by char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tion, Oxfam. As the glob­al busi­ness elite gath­er in the Swiss moun­tain resort of Davos for the…

Report: Global Pandemic Increased Poverty in Africa

Nairo­bi —  The glob­al pan­dem­ic has pushed more than 55 mil­lion Africans into extreme pover­ty and reversed two decades of hard work in pover­ty reduc­tion on the con­ti­nent. The Eco­nom­ic Report on Africa for 2021 blamed the grow­ing pover­ty on job loss­es, reduced income and the inabil­i­ty of house­holds to man­age the risks In a 150-page…

Truth about Africa Marks 6th Annual Africa Summit in Denver

On Fri­day, Nov. 5, Den­ver-based Africa Agen­da held its 6th Annu­al Africa Sum­mit where atten­dees par­tic­i­pat­ed in a vari­ety of table dis­cus­sions. Cen­tered on the sub­ject of Resilient Africa, the dis­cus­sions high­light­ed lessons the African con­ti­nent can offer towards bounc­ing back and thriv­ing in the face of adver­si­ty. Con­ver­sa­tion top­ics includ­ed peace and jus­tice, human…