US On Verge of Launching COVID Vaccinations

The Unit­ed States could be hours away from start­ing its COVID-19 vac­ci­na­tion pro­gram.  The U.S. Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion report­ed­ly could autho­rize on Fri­day or Sat­ur­day the emer­gency use of a COVID-19 vac­cine pro­duced by U.S. drug mak­er Pfiz­er and Germany’s BioN­Tech.  An FDA advi­so­ry pan­el vot­ed to rec­om­mend approval of the vac­cine late Thurs­day.  With the U.S. on the verge of its inoc­u­la­tion pro­gram, human rights group Amnesty

Morocco to Kick Off Mass Vaccination Plan with Chinese Drug

Moroc­co is gear­ing up for an ambi­tious COVID-19 vac­ci­na­tion pro­gram, aim­ing to vac­ci­nate 80% of its adults in an oper­a­tion start­ing this month that’s rely­ing ini­tial­ly on a Chi­nese vac­cine that has not yet com­plet­ed advanced tri­als to prove it

Trump Summit Aims to Boost Faith in Vaccine; Biden Excluded; Drugmakers Decline

WASHINGTON — The Trump admin­is­tra­tion is aim­ing to instill pub­lic con­fi­dence as well as claim major cred­it for the forth­com­ing coro­n­avirus vac­cines with a White House sum­mit Tues­day fea­tur­ing experts who will out­line dis­tri­b­u­tion plans in detail.  Offi­cials from President-elect

Covid-19 Spared Africa — A Reality American Media Won’t Admit

In jour­nal­ism, there is such a thing as agen­­da-set­t­ing – how the mass media — news­pa­pers, radio, and TV, and the plu­ral­i­ty of online chan­nels — pri­or­i­tize the news for pub­li­ca­tion. The idea that some news sto­ries would take prece­dence over oth­ers gained cre­dence with thought lead­ers, Maxwell McCombs and Don­ald Shaw, dur­ing the 1968…

Plot to Oust WHO Chief, Tedros Ghebreyesus

When Tedros Adhanon Ghe­breye­sus ascend­ed to the top of lead­er­ship at the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion (WHO) in 2017, my col­league, Raevyn Goates wrote about it at Africa Agen­da. Ghe­breye­sus won the vote in 2017 by 63 %, which was an over­whelm­ing 133 votes out of 185 votes cast. He was the first direc­­tor-gen­er­al of the…

Africa Media Bias Seen through Coverage of Covid-19

Africa Media Bias is some­thing that we often talk about. COVID-19 is mak­ing that dis­cus­sion rel­e­vant again.  The coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic has brought human inge­nu­ity to the fore. The sit­u­a­tion has sparked a remark­able resur­gence in the human spir­it as peo­ple all over the world are striv­ing in an inspir­ing bid to empha­size man’s most pri­mal instinct,…

Five African Nations Battling Covid-19

The news is full of bad reports about the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic which is wreak­ing hav­oc all over the world. With a vac­cine at least months, if not a year away, there is cause for some opti­mism in the fight against the dis­ease in the African con­ti­nent. As we have been track­ing how nations are dealing…

African Nations Fight Covid-19 Despite Socio-Economic Conditions

In ear­ly Feb­ru­ary, while West­ern coun­tries like Italy and Spain had record­ed con­firmed cas­es of the dread­ed nov­el coro­n­avirus or Covid-19, Africa, the sec­ond-largest con­ti­nent and home to more than a bil­lion peo­ple had yet to record any. This left many dumb­found­ed. The good news led to the rise of a bunch of fal­la­cious ideas…