Rwandan Genocide Remembrance – Lead Africa Headlines

Fight­ing in Libya Threat­ens Secu­ri­ty in Entire North­ern Africa Region  In Libya, the news is not about progress in the coun­try – it’s about insta­bil­i­ty there which helped push Amer­i­can troops out, albeit tem­porar­i­ly. It’s not clear where the U.S. troops, escap­ing the intense fight­ing in Tripoli, are relo­cat­ing to. Eight years after for­mer Libyan leader…

Tropical Cyclone Idai — Floods in Mozambique Lead the News

The nation of Mozam­bique in South-East­­ern Africa suf­fered cat­a­stroph­ic dam­ages fol­low­ing what is being described as a Trop­i­cal Cyclone Idai start­ing on March 4.  The storms inten­si­fied there­after, con­tin­u­ing into the week of March 18, leav­ing many deaths and plen­ty of destruc­tion, includ­ing sub­merged build­ings. Accord­ing to News24, “Trop­i­cal cyclone Idai has made head­lines across…

Spotlight! – This Week – 1/1/19 – 1/26/19

Under­re­port­ed and crit­i­cal news from and about Africa. Israel Threat­ens African Migrants with Impris­on­ment, Depor­ta­tion The gov­ern­ment of Israel recent­ly issued an order, ask­ing African migrants, refugees, to leave the coun­try with­in a few months or face depor­ta­tion. That’s accord­ing to many news orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing the U.K. Inde­pen­dent which writes that the Israeli gov­ern­ment has…

Boko Haram and the Media

Boko Haram is a mil­i­tant group pri­mar­i­ly locat­ed in Nige­ria. The ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion is fight­ing to over­throw the Niger­ian gov­ern­ment and cre­ate an Islam­ic state. Nige­ria is a very reli­gious coun­try with Chris­tian­i­ty and Islam­ic faith being its most pre­dom­i­nant reli­gions and hav­ing a near­­ly-equal ratio split between them. Accord­ing to Hei­di Schultz, an author on…