In Case You Missed It: 1/3/17 – 1/16/17

This week’s most impor­tant head­lines out of and about Africa. In this week’s news,world lead­ers wrap up the 2017 France-Africa sum­mit in Mali, and embat­tled Gam­bian leader Yayah Jam­meh con­tin­ues to lead the Africa news head­lines around the world. With France-Africa sum­mit 2017, Fran­cois Hol­lande Builds Africa lega­cy This week the 27th France-Africa sum­mit was held…

In Case You Missed It: 7/11/16 — 7/17/16

This week’s most impor­tant head­lines out of and about Africa In this week’s news, South Africa looks to the cos­mos, Moroc­co seeks rein­state­ment in the AU and Zam­bia hopes for a peace­ful elec­tion. South African Obser­va­to­ry Dis­cov­ers Hun­dreds of Galax­ies A radio array tele­scope in South Africa, known as MeerKAT, has dis­cov­ered hun­dreds of previously…

In Case You Missed It: 6/13/16 — 6/19/16

In this week’s news, Amer­i­can first lady, Michelle Oba­ma, will trav­el to Liberia for a good­will vis­it, and the much-antic­i­­pat­ed African Union e‑passport is set to roll out in July. Michelle Oba­ma Plans Trip to Liberia to Pro­mote Girls’ Edu­ca­tion  U.S. first lady, Michelle Oba­ma and her daugh­ters, Malia and Sasha, will trav­el to Spain, Morocco…

In Case You Missed It: 5/2/16 – 5/8/16

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and about Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, the World Eco­nom­ic Forum on Africa holds in the Rwan­dan cap­i­tal, and African push for a Euro­­pean-style inte­gra­tion of the con­ti­nent. Who Cares: World Eco­nom­ic Forum on Africa Holds In Rwan­da  The 26th…

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Africa News Mat­ters, a pub­li­ca­tion of Africa Agen­da, sorts out the news, bring­ing your atten­tion to the issues that may not have got­ten the most cov­er­age dur­ing the week. We would love to hear from you.  Email Us Email: Office at AfricaA­gen­da dot org Make a Dona­tion Go Here Vol­un­teer Go Here More about Africa News Matters…

Zimbabwe Tries Again

Pho­to: All A good friend of mine in Harare said to me three years ago, “please let there be no elec­tions. The peo­ple here fear noth­ing more. We just want to be left alone for long enough to rebuild.” Most peo­ple agree that elec­tions are quin­tes­sen­tial demo­c­ra­t­ic rit­u­als. But faux elec­tions may only make…