How do UK visa changes affect foreign students? — BBC Africa

In May 2023, the UK gov­ern­ment has announced plans to scrap depen­dent visas for many for­eign stu­dents.  The new rule comes as migra­tion to the UK hit a record high of 606,000 last year.  BBC Africa explains why is Nige­ria one of the main tar­gets of the clam­p­down.  Pre­sent­ed by Ani­ta Nkonge Pro­duced by Mau­reen Nyukuri …

Why China Is Investing in Africa’s Green Energy Future–0aff-0242-ca03-08db4bfabf5f_w800_h450.jpgA wind farm in Namib­ia and a float­ing solar farm on Zim­bab­we’s mas­sive Kari­ba Dam are among the new green ener­gy projects Chi­nese com­pa­nies are look­ing at invest­ing in this year after Bei­jing pledged to help African coun­tries address their ener­gy prob­lems with renew­able sources rather than fos­sil fuels.  “Chi­nese over­seas renew­able ener­gy invest­ments aim to…

Demonstrations in Kenya: Important Details You Need to Know

“We shall now hold protests every Mon­day and every Thurs­day begin­ning next week,” said Raila Odin­ga, oppo­si­tion par­ty leader who lost to Pres­i­dent William Ruto in Kenya’s last pres­i­den­tial elec­tions. A for­eign source cov­er­ing the recent Kenyan demon­stra­tions said Kenyans are angry Ruto lied to them. Police arrest­ed over 200 peo­ple dur­ing a March 20…

Russia Sanctions a Boon for Chinese Arms Sales to Africa?–0aff-0242-ddfd-08db2729dc10_w800_h450.jpgRus­sia has long been the biggest exporter of arms to sub-Saha­ran Africa, but a new study indi­cates West­ern sanc­tions are mak­ing it hard­er for Moscow to sell weapons, open­ing the door for more Chi­­nese-made arms. Even before the Ukraine war, Chi­na had increased its sales of weapons to sub-Saha­ran Africa, export­ing almost three times as…

Cameroon Hands Road Construction to Military Following Separatist Attacks, Abduction–42B1-9801–82FACBAB1F22_w800_h450.pngCameroon’s mil­i­tary has tak­en over con­struc­tion of roads link­ing its trou­bled west­ern regions to Nige­ria after what it said were repeat­ed sep­a­ratist attacks. The mil­i­tary says the rebels abduct­ed eight peo­ple this week, includ­ing road work­ers, who were aban­don­ing work sites due to inse­cu­ri­ty.  Cameroon says scores of gov­ern­ment troops and road con­struc­tion equip­ment of…

The cost of being an atheist (Documentary) — BBC Africa

On April 5th 2022, Mubarak Bala – the pres­i­dent of the Human­ist Asso­ci­a­tion of Nige­ria – plead guilty to charges attached to blas­phe­my. The sen­tence that fol­lowed caused shock­waves through­out the coun­try, rever­ber­at­ing around the world, and plac­ing the threats to free­dom of expres­sion in Africa’s most pop­u­lous coun­try under new scruti­ny.  BBC’s Yemisi Adegoke…