Energy Africa Conference Brings Together a Powerhouse of Speakers

Per­haps it shouldn’t come as a sur­prise that Gold­en, Col­orado sees its fair share of annu­al inter­na­tion­al con­fer­ences. Craft and cor­po­rate brew­eries make the land­scape near­ly as famous as the Rocky Moun­tains. Gold­en also hosts its fair share of meet­ings focused on inno­va­tions in ener­gy. The Nation­al Renew­able Ener­gy Lab­o­ra­to­ry (NREL) is head­quar­tered here. NREL…

In Case You Missed It 11/2/15 — 11/8/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. This week brings news of the world’s largest solar pow­er plant, an African data boom, record num­bers of African immi­grants in the US, and anoth­er vic­to­ry over Ebo­la. Moroc­co to Build World’s Largest Solar Pow­er Plant Moroc­co is currently…

In Case You Missed It 9/20/15 — 9/27/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. In this week’s news, the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion pro­vides aid to help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS, the admin­is­tra­tion is increas­ing efforts to stop Boko Haram, the sit­u­a­tion in Burk­i­na Faso con­tin­ues to evolve, Nige­ria holds its own…

In Case You Missed It 9/7/15 — 9/13/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. This week brings news of a new­ly dis­cov­ered human ances­tor, Nige­ri­a’s new World Trade Cen­ter, and a new diplo­mat­ic rela­tion­ship between the U.S. and Soma­lia. Sci­en­tists in South Africa announced that they have dis­cov­ered a new…

In Case You Missed It 9/1/15 – 9/6/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. This week we look at the threat posed by reli­gious rad­i­cals in a Cen­tral African nation, the effects of tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tion in many African coun­tries, and a sport­ing extrav­a­gan­za begins in Braz­zav­ille. 1. Reli­gious rad­i­cals risk…

In Case You Missed It 8/24/15 — 8/30/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. This week brings news of an eco­nom­ic slow­down, a vic­to­ry for Kenya’s ath­letes, a set­back for Sier­ra Leone in the bat­tle against Ebo­la, and Chad’s crack­down on Boko Haram ter­ror­ists. 1. African Economies Slow Down Due to…

In Case You Missed It 8/17/15 — 8/23/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. The week brings news about the launch of Google’s newest gad­get in sev­er­al African coun­tries, as well as analy­sis from For­eign Affairs mag­a­zine which gives a rat­ing of the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion’s Africa pol­i­cy thus far. Google expands…

In Case You Missed It 8/11/15 — 8/16/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up.  The week bring news about a live-tweet that made news around the world, a trav­el web­site that is expand­ing into mar­kets in Africa, anoth­er men­ace from the Boko Haram and a crack down on slave own­ers in…

In Case You Missed It 8/4/15 — 8/8/15

 The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing  Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up.  This week brings news about talks of Musev­eni run­ning for re-elec­­tion as pres­i­dent of Ugan­da, Cameroon returns 12,000 Niger­ian refugees, and a Mali hotel siege that ends with 12 peo­ple dead. Mesev­eni seek­ing anoth­er term in office After…

In Case You Missed It 7/29/15 — 8/3/15

  The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up.  The week brings us news about an uproar about ani­mal poach­ing in Zim­bab­we and the con­tro­ver­sy it is caus­ing, as well as news that an esti­mat­ed 178 peo­ple cap­tured by Boko Haram were freed by the…