Ethiopia: What We Know About the War in the Tigray Region — The Wall Street Journal

A mili­tia­man from Ethiopi­a’s Amhara region, which has been in con­flict with the neigh­bor­ing Tigray region. Pho­to: EDUARDO SOTERAS/Agence France-Presse/Get­­ty Images Long-sim­mer­ing ten­sions between Ethiopia’s fed­er­al gov­ern­ment and defi­ant author­i­ties in its north­ern Tigray region erupt­ed into mil­i­tary con­fronta­tion on Nov. 4 after the country’s prime min­is­ter, Abiy Ahmed, accused the Tigray People’s Lib­er­a­tion Front,…

Thousands of Refugees from Ethiopia’s Tigray Region Fleeing Violence–11/afp_ethiopia_sudan_refugees_16Nov20.jpg?imwidth=800The bor­der town of Ham­day­at, Sudan, is now home to thou­sands of refugees from Ethiopia’s Tigray region flee­ing vio­lence. Among the esti­mat­ed 8,000 who have arrived in recent days are the par­ents of sev­en-month-old twins born pre­ma­ture­ly, lay­ing on a

Averting civil war in Ethiopia: It’s time to propose elements of a negotiated settlement weeks ago, Amer­i­cans and mil­lions around the globe were glued to their tele­vi­sions as votes were tal­lied in Flori­da, Penn­syl­va­nia, Michi­gan, Wis­con­sin, Geor­gia, and North Car­oli­na. But as the world was con­sumed with elec­tions in the Unit­ed States, a

Ethiopian troops ‘liberate’ key town in Tigray, claim officials — The Guardian

Ethiopi­an troops have advanced fur­ther into the north­ern region of Tigray, seiz­ing a key town on the road to its cap­i­tal, offi­cials in Addis Aba­ba have said. The con­flict between nation­al forces and troops loy­al to the Tigray People’s Lib­er­a­tion Front (TPLF) is head­ing towards the end of its sec­ond week. There are wide­spread fears the war…

Impact of Ethiopia’s Tigray Conflict Felt in Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia–11/2020–11–14T173816Z_1875549699_RC253K9IGC10_RTRMADP_3_ETHIOPIA-CONFLICT-SUDAN.JPG?imwidth=800NAIROBI — The con­flict in Ethiopia’s rebel­lious Tigray region is less than two weeks old but is already hav­ing a grow­ing region­al impact, with effects felt in Sudan, Eritrea and Soma­lia. Ethiopi­an gov­ern­ment forces have cap­tured the town of Alamata,