Get Ready for the Post-Roe Sex Police!

The basic argu­ment against abor­tion was suc­cinct­ly expressed just six weeks ago by Flori­da Sen. Rick Scott in the pages of The Wall Street Jour­nal when he bold­ly pro­nounced that “the Repub­li­can posi­tion on abor­tion is based on a fun­da­men­tal belief that life begins at con­cep­tion.” Leav­ing aside exact­ly what con­cep­tion means—is it the same as…

The small African state of Somaliland legally doesn’t exist. But Taiwan has spied an … — ABC

“It’s a secret,” smiles Allen C Lou, when asked how many Tai­wanese per­son­nel are based in Hargeisa, cap­i­tal of the unrecog­nised state of Soma­liland in the Horn of Africa.Taiwan is com­mit­ted to recog­nis­ing the de fac­to state and Lou is Taipei’s chief diplo­mat. But he is coy about just how sub­stan­tial Taipei’s diplo­mat­ic del­e­ga­tion real­ly is.On social media and in con­ver­sa­tion, he casu­al­ly embraces the title of ambas­sador. Yet giv­en the ambigu­ous polit­i­cal sta­tus of Soma­liland, his host coun­try, Lou is mind­ful to point out that his offi­cial title is mere­ly “representative”.But no mat­ter the size of Tai­wan’s pres­ence in Soma­liland, Taipei’s alliance with this unrecog­nised state has been steadi­ly build­ing since August 2020.

CNN to cut back on use of “breaking news” banner

This sto­ry, plus Gan­nett announces strate­gic reor­ga­ni­za­tion, Tomi Lahren to join con­ser­v­a­tive media out­let Out­Kick as a host and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries Jun 2, 2022 Jun 2, 2022 Jun 2, 2022 Media Busi­ness Jun 3, 2022 Jun 2, 2022 Press & Gov­ern­ment Jun 2, 2022 Jun 2, 2022 Social Media Jun 2, 2022 Media Ethics Jun 2, 2022 Jun…

A look at how Uvalde’s local paper covered the shooting

This sto­ry, plus Bloomberg Media and iHeart­Media to release new five pod­cast shows this year, French jour­nal­ist killed in Ukraine and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries May 28, 2022 May 27, 2022 May 30, 2022 About Mis­in­for­ma­tion May 31, 2022 Media Busi­ness May 30, 2022 May 27, 2022 Media Ethics May 29, 2022 May 29, 2022 Coro­n­avirus May 27, 2022 International…

DHS pauses controversial Disinformation Governance Board

This sto­ry, plus Meta cre­ates new glob­al media part­ner­ships team, Chris Wal­lace to lead new show on CNN Sun­day line­up and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries May 18, 2022 May 19, 2022 May 18, 2022 Local News May 18, 2022 Social Media May 18, 2022 May 18, 2022 Press & Gov­ern­ment May 18, 2022 May 18, 2022 About Mis­in­for­ma­tion May…

Ethiopia revokes accreditation of The Economist reporter — The East African


Ethiopi­an author­i­ties on Fri­day revoked the press cre­den­tials of a for­eign jour­nal­ist who had been work­ing for The Econ­o­mist in the Horn of Africa nation.In a let­ter issued Fri­day after­noon and seen by The East­African, the Ethiopi­an Media Author­i­ty (EMA) said it has can­celled media accred­i­ta­tion of Tom Gard­ner, cit­ing fail­ure to main­tain pro­fes­sion­al ethics and vio­la­tions of the coun­try’s laws and reg­u­la­tions. It did not gave details of the allegations.“As a pro­fes­sion­al jour­nal­ist accred­it­ed to work in Ethiopia, you know very well that the con­di­tion of your per­mit is depen­dent on your strict obser­va­tion of pro­fes­sion­al ethics and the rules and the reg­u­la­tions of the coun­try,” it said.“This let­ter is writ­ten to inform you that your accred­i­ta­tion is revoked effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly, and you are no longer allowed to work as a jour­nal­ist in Ethiopia.”EMA said that pri­or to the deci­sion, the author­i­ty had sev­er­al dis­cus­sions with the journalist.However, the author­i­ty alleged that Mr Gard­ner failed to live to stan­dards of con­duct for journalists. 


“Despite our repeat­ed dis­cus­sions, ver­bal warn­ings and writ­ten rep­ri­mands, you have not shown the will­ing­ness to cor­rect your mis­tak­en approach,” the let­ter said.It, how­ev­er, said The Econ­o­mist is wel­come to appoint an “unbi­ased and inde­pen­dent” jour­nal­ist to replace Mr Gardner.A few weeks ago, EMA had issued a warn­ing let­ter to the jour­nal­ist after he post­ed on his pri­vate social media that Prime Min­is­ter Abiy Ahmed and TPLF rebel leader Debre Zion Gebre-Michael had a tele­phone conversation.Authorities warned him to be care­ful about his report­ing, espe­cial­ly on sto­ries that could affect nation­al interest.Since the Tigray con­flict broke out in Novem­ber 2020, the Ethiopi­an gov­ern­ment has been crit­i­cised for cre­at­ing a dif­fi­cult envi­ron­ment for jour­nal­ists and dissidents.Journalists have also com­plained that they have been denied access to war zones where right vio­la­tions, includ­ing mas­sacres, rapes, and oth­er seri­ous crimes, have been reported.The Ethiopi­an gov­ern­ment led by PM Abiy Ahmed, a 2019 Noble Peace Prize win­ner, has been crit­i­cised by sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al right groups for using the state of emer­gency as a tool to arbi­trar­i­ly detain sev­er­al jour­nal­ists to sti­fle crit­i­cal report­ing and to silence war zone news coverage.The Com­mit­tee to Pro­tect Jour­nal­ists’ (CPJ) 2021 prison cen­sus ranked Ethiopia as sub-Saha­ran Africa’s sec­ond-worst jail­er of journalists.“We are very con­cerned. This devel­op­ment is the lat­est sign of Ethiopi­a’s dete­ri­o­rat­ing press free­dom envi­ron­ment,” CPJ’s Africa Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor, Angela Quin­tal, told The East­African on Friday.Since the con­flict in Tigray erupt­ed, sev­er­al Ethiopi­an jour­nal­ists and trans­la­tors work­ing for a range of inter­na­tion­al media organisation—including to AFP, Nation Media Group, Reuters, the BBC and the Finan­cial Times—have been detained while doing their jobs.Last year Ethiopi­an author­i­ties also revoked press accred­i­ta­tion of a New York Times reporter.

Africa’s First Covid-19 Vaccine Factory Has Not Received a Single Order

JOHANNESBURG — The first fac­to­ry in Africa licensed to pro­duce Covid-19 vac­cines for the African mar­ket has not received a sin­gle order and may shut down that pro­duc­tion line with­in weeks if the sit­u­a­tion doesn’t change, accord­ing to exec­u­tives of the com­pa­ny, Aspen Phar­ma­care. The fac­to­ry, in the coastal South African city of Gqe­ber­ha, formerly…

Google signs deal to pay 300+ news publishers in Europe

This sto­ry, plus OAN seg­ment states there was no wide­spread elec­tion fraud, Elon Musk says he would reverse Trump’s Twit­ter ban and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries May 11, 2022 May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022 Press & Gov­ern­ment May 10, 2022 Media Busi­ness May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022 Research May 10, 2022 Inter­na­tion­al May 11, 2022 May 11, 2022…

Controversy emerges around new DHS disinformation board

This sto­ry, plus NBC News review finds pla­gia­rized mate­r­i­al in for­mer reporter’s sto­ries, Politi­co deci­sion to pub­lish Supreme Court draft opin­ion rais­es eth­i­cal ques­tions and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries May 2, 2022 May 2, 2022 May 2, 2022 About Mis­in­for­ma­tion May 3, 2022 Press & Gov­ern­ment May 2, 2022 May 2, 2022 May 2, 2022 Audio & Podcasting…