Susan Nyawira, on board at Africa Agenda, believes in echoing the thoughts of individuals, and minority groups on the issues that are considered “taboo” or “irrelevant.” Based in Nairobi, Kenya, her goal is to shed light on important issues that would educate our global community.


How Kenya’s Mpesa Enables and Unifies

Once upon a time, com­mu­ni­ca­tion used to be through smoke sig­nals. Slow­ly but sure­ly human evo­lu­tion brought with it the gad­get we now know as the tele­phone. His name was Alexan­der Gra­ham Bell, a Scot­tish-born inven­tor, sci­en­tist, and engi­neer who was cred­it­ed with patent­ing the first prac­ti­cal tele­phone. No one was pre­pared for how rapidly…

Dimbabwe's Development

A New City Aims to Boost Zimbabwe’s Development

At the 77th ses­sion of the Unit­ed Nations Gen­er­al Assem­bly, African lead­ers called for the West to ease sanc­tions on Zim­bab­we. Recent­ly the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca sanc­tioned 56 com­pa­nies and 85 indi­vid­u­als, includ­ing cur­rent Pres­i­dent Emer­son Mnan­gag­wa. Locals in the coun­try say the sanc­tions play a role in Zim­bab­we’s eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment as indus­tries have…