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Massive pro-EU, anti-Russia protest erupts in Georgia

Thou­sands of peo­ple demon­strat­ed in Tbil­isi overnight, wav­ing EU flags and fac­ing down riot police in protest against a con­tro­ver­sial law which Georgia’s pres­i­dent says is “dic­tat­ed by Moscow.”  In video footage and pho­tographs, pro­test­ers chant­ed “down with the Russ­ian law” as they squared off with heav­i­ly armored police who blast­ed them with water cannons…

What happened to the African students who fled Ukraine? BBC Africa

British-Zim­bab­wean Kor­rine Sky was study­ing med­i­cine in the Ukrain­ian city of Dnipro. Now back in the UK with her fam­i­ly she has faced obsta­cles in try­ing to resume her stud­ies. Kor­rine reached out and spoke to three med­ical stu­dents, who like her, have had their dreams and edu­ca­tion­al aspi­ra­tions impact­ed by the war. Exec­u­tive Pro­duc­er: Léone…

Competing US views on origins of Covid reveal deeper splits over China policy

FBI chief’s endorse­ment of Covid lab leak the­o­ry high­lights the tus­sle between hawks and doves with­in the admin­is­tra­tion The FBI chief, Chris Wray, has endorsed the the­o­ry that the Covid pan­dem­ic was the result of a lab­o­ra­to­ry leak in Chi­na, fur­ther sharp­en­ing an increas­ing­ly com­bat­ive bilat­er­al rela­tion­ship. In mak­ing his inter­ven­tion, Wray, who was appointed…