Africa News Matters aims to provide a catalyst to change the pervasive misinformation and stereotyping of the African continent

Zimbabwe Tries Again

Pho­to: All A good friend of mine in Harare said to me three years ago, “please let there be no elec­tions. The peo­ple here fear noth­ing more. We just want to be left alone for long enough to rebuild.” Most peo­ple agree that elec­tions are quin­tes­sen­tial demo­c­ra­t­ic rit­u­als. But faux elec­tions may only make…

At Achebe’s Funeral, Africans Reminded to be Stewards of Democracy

Thou­sands of mourn­ers con­verged in Ogi­di, Anam­bra State of Nige­ria, on May 23, for the funer­al ser­vice of Africa’s lit­er­ary icon, Chin­ua Achebe. He died in Boston, USA, on March 21. Achebe was the David and Mar­i­ana Fish­er Pro­fes­sor of Africana Stud­ies at Brown Uni­ver­si­ty. The Niger­ian nov­el­ist is glob­al­ly revered for his mas­ter­piece, Things Fall…

2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate to Visit Colorado

Den­ver-based Peace Jam Foun­da­tion has announced that one of the recip­i­ents of the 2011 Nobel Prize for Peace, Liber­ian social work­er, Lemah Gbowee, will vis­it Col­orado in Novem­ber. The announce­ment post­ed on the orga­ni­za­tion’s web­site stat­ed, “Nobel Peace Prize Win­ner Leymah Gbowee will pre­sent­ing the 2012 Peace Jam Hero Award to Edie Lut­nick and Ken…

In Africa, 9/11 Defined the Emergence of a New, Scary World

Sep­tem­ber days are remem­bered for a great many rea­sons. Some days in Sep­tem­ber are known for noble rea­sons like “World Peace” day on Sep­tem­ber 21. Oth­er days in Sep­tem­ber are known for more bizarre rea­sons like “Ask a Stu­pid Ques­tion” Day on Sep­tem­ber 28. And some days in Sep­tem­ber are more per­son­al like Sep­tem­ber 19, which…