African Diaspora in ColoradoGoogle

African Diaspora in Colorado

The African Dias­po­ra in Col­orado, those that left the African con­ti­nent will­ing­ly, and some­times unwill­ing­ly, and migrat­ed to the Unit­ed States, are a sim­ple, dis­tinct class of peo­ple that con­sti­tute part of the pop­u­la­tion of the state. They form a part of the black pop­u­la­tion in Colorado. 

They are dif­fer­ent from their fel­low broth­ers and sis­ters who are Black or African Amer­i­can, share a com­mon ances­try, yet have sim­i­lar his­tor­i­cal expe­ri­ences. These dif­fer­ences and com­mon­al­i­ties need to be stud­ied in depth to arrive at any con­clu­sions about Africans and African Amer­i­cans in Colorado.

The African dias­po­ra in Col­orado includes Ethiopi­ans, Ghana­ians, Sene­galese, Egyp­tians, Cameroo­ni­ans, Rwan­dans, Sudanese, South Sudanese, Nige­ri­ans, South Africans, and oth­ers. They come from the entire con­ti­nent, from the East, North, South, and West Africa.

In Col­orado, many of these immi­grants to Amer­i­ca call the Auro­ra, Den­ver area their home. They have lived in the area for decades. Even while they came here from the con­ti­nent in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, or just yes­ter­day, many of their chil­dren and off­spring were born in Amer­i­ca and are Amer­i­can cit­i­zens. They are also entre­pre­neurs; the own­ers of busi­ness­es, gro­cery stores, and orga­ni­za­tions that con­sti­tute the busi­ness fab­ric of the state. 


Africa in the Rockies

Non-prof­it organization

Boul­der, CO · In Pen­rose Place

(303) 473‑0950


Africa Agenda

Non-prof­it organization

Den­ver, CO · In Pos­ner Cen­ter for Inter­na­tion­al Development

(303) 341‑1301


African Leadership Group

5.0(3) · Non-prof­it organization

Auro­ra, CO

 (303) 862‑4062


Ethiopian Community Development Council / African Community Center

Non-prof­it organization

Den­ver, CO · In Mona­co Tower

 (303) 399‑4500


Taste of Africa


Den­ver, CO

 (530) 774‑8235


Col­orado African Organization

5.0(11) · Social ser­vices organization

Den­ver, CO

Per­ma­nent­ly closed · (303) 953‑7060


African Grill and Bar — Lakewood Colorado

African restau­rant

Lake­wood, CO

 (303) 985‑4497


Gen­uine African Braiding

Beau­ty salon

Lit­tle­ton, CO

 (303) 294‑0149


Suzane’s African Hair Braiding

 Beau­ty salon

Auro­ra, CO

(303) 321‑6800


Sene­galese African Hair Braiding

Hair salon

Auro­ra, CO

 (720) 620‑8270


Africana Restau­rant & Cafe

Ethiopi­an restaurant

Den­ver, CO

 (303) 320‑9515


Sophie’s African Hair Braid­ing &beauty Supply


Auro­ra, CO · In Auro­ra Hemp Marketplace

 (720) 244‑6537


Claire african hair braiding

Hair salon

Col­orado Springs, CO

 (240) 701‑9565


Favor African Braid­ing Salon

Hair salon

Col­orado Springs, CO

719) 460‑8904


Haja African Hair Braiding


Auro­ra, CO · In Mar­ket Square at Mis­sis­sip­pi and Havana Shop­ping Center

 (720) 380‑6371


African Hair Braid­ing Shop salon

3.0(2) · Hair salon

Den­ver, CO

720) 404‑6899


Anna Hair Braid­ing Bar­ber and Salon — 

Hair salon

Den­ver, CO

 (720) 299‑0965


Bet­ty african hair braiding

Hair salon

Col­orado Springs, CO · In Gate­way Vil­lage Shop­ping Center

 (719) 463‑7992


Star bob’s African Hair Braiding

Hair salon

Auro­ra, CO · In Schomp Mazda

 (720) 327‑3738


Ambiance African Hair Braiding

Hair salon

Auro­ra, CO

 (720) 275‑1535


Mari­am African Hair Braiding

Beau­ty salon

Auro­ra, CO

 (720) 327‑1214


Ivonne Africans Braids

Beau­ty salon

Den­ver, CO

 (720) 361‑7364


Bless­ing African Hair Braiding

Hair salon

Den­ver, CO

 (720) 935‑4435


Mako­la African Market

Gro­cery store

Auro­ra, CO

 (303) 341‑4771


Cen­ter for African Amer­i­can Health

Health con­sul­tant

Den­ver, CO

 (303) 355‑3423


Stiles African Amer­i­can Center


Den­ver, CO

 (303) 294‑0597


Black Amer­i­can West Muse­um & Her­itage Center


Den­ver, CO

 (720) 242‑7428


Mouna Hair Braid­ing & Beauty

Beau­ty salon

Den­ver, CO

 (303) 316‑0497


Shop & Smile African and Int’l Market

African goods store

Col­orado Springs, CO · In Bal­ly’s Plaza

 (719) 453‑4815


Col­orado Black Health Collaborative

Non-prof­it organization

Auro­ra, CO · In Auro­ra Marketplace

 (720) 579‑2126