Cameroon Opposition Calls for Single Candidate to Face Biya in Next Election

Yaounde, Cameroon — Lead­ers of Cameroon’s main oppo­si­tion par­ty say they are nego­ti­at­ing with more than 30 oppo­si­tion lead­ers to present a sin­gle can­di­date in the next elec­tion, should 91-year-old Pres­i­dent Paul Biya be inca­pac­i­tat­ed by ill health. The oppo­si­tion react­ed after Biya, who has ruled for more than four decades, made no men­tion of running…

French Departure From Niger Underscores Fading Influence

PARIS — France clos­es 2023 with a dimin­ished pres­ence in Africa’s restive Sahel region, after with­draw­ing troops from three once-staunch allied coun­tries col­lec­tive­ly fight­ing an Islamist insur­gency, and see­ing its influ­ence increas­ing­ly replaced by oth­er pow­ers, includ­ing Rus­sia. The last French sol­diers left Niger ear­li­er this month, with Paris tak­ing the unusu­al step of clos­ing its…

Somalia Joins East Africa Trade Bloc as It Eyes New Opportunities

The East African Com­mu­ni­ty trade bloc admit­ted Soma­lia as its eighth mem­ber on Fri­day, a move Soma­li author­i­ties and busi­ness­es hope will boost the coun­try’s war-rav­aged econ­o­my. The EAC com­mon mar­ket — which con­sists of Burun­di, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of Con­go, Kenya, Rwan­da, South Sudan, Tan­za­nia and Ugan­da — was set up in 2010 and currently…

UAE Reverses Visa Ban on Nigeria, Signs Billion-Dollar Investment Deal, President Says

Nige­ri­ans are prais­ing the lift­ing of a visa ban by the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates fol­low­ing a meet­ing in Abu Dhabi this week between Pres­i­dent Bola Tin­ubu and Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates Pres­i­dent Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Niger­ian author­i­ties also secured an invest­ment deal worth bil­lions of dol­lars, accord­ing to the pres­i­den­cy. Niger­ian pres­i­den­tial spokesper­son Ajuri…

USAID Chief to Congress: Foreign Aid Key in Countering Chinese, Russian Influence

A top Repub­li­can law­mak­er said Wednes­day the fund­ing pri­or­i­ties for the U.S. Agency for Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment (USAID) do not go far enough in address­ing the threat posed by the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty (CCP). The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has request­ed $32 bil­lion in for­eign assis­tance for USAID — $3 bil­lion more than the amount appro­pri­at­ed by Congress…

Why China Is Investing in Africa’s Green Energy Future

A wind farm in Namib­ia and a float­ing solar farm on Zim­bab­we’s mas­sive Kari­ba Dam are among the new green ener­gy projects Chi­nese com­pa­nies are look­ing at invest­ing in this year after Bei­jing pledged to help African coun­tries address their ener­gy prob­lems with renew­able sources rather than fos­sil fuels.  “Chi­nese over­seas renew­able ener­gy invest­ments aim to…

France Seeks to Calm Diplomatic Storm Over Macron’s China-Taiwan Comments 

France is try­ing to lim­it the diplo­mat­ic fall­out after Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron said Europe should reduce its depen­dence on the U.S. and avoid “get­ting caught up in crises that are not ours,” fol­low­ing a state vis­it to Chi­na ear­li­er this month. Crit­ics said Macron’s remarks under­mined the transat­lantic rela­tion­ship at a time of dan­ger­ous geopo­lit­i­cal tensions.…

Nigerian Agency Says Malaria Vaccine Could Protect Millions

Nige­ri­a’s Nation­al Agency for Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion and Con­trol, NAFDAC, announced a pro­vi­sion­al approval of the R21 vac­cine dur­ing a media brief­ing on Mon­day. The reg­u­la­to­ry agen­cy’s con­sent came days after Ghana approved the vac­cine. NAFDAC said the vac­cine is 70 to 80 per­cent effi­cient in pre­vent­ing the mos­qui­­to-borne dis­ease and could pro­tect millions…

Niger Credited With Negotiating Release of US Aid Worker, French Journalist

The gov­ern­ment of Niger says it nego­ti­at­ed the release of a U.S. aid work­er and a French jour­nal­ist who were held cap­tive by Islamist mil­i­tants in the Sahel region. Aid work­er and mis­sion­ary Jef­fery Wood­ke was held for more than six years, while reporter Olivi­er Dubois spent near­ly two years in cap­tiv­i­ty. Kid­nap­pings in the…