The Infodemic: Social Media Posts Spread Misinformation About COVID-19 Deaths is a fact-check­­ing web­site pro­duced by Voice of Amer­i­ca (VOA)​ and Radio Free Europe/Radio Lib­er­ty. The web­site serves as a resource for ver­i­fy­ing the increas­ing vol­ume of dis­in­for­ma­tion and mis­in­for­ma­tion being dis­trib­uted and shared glob­al­ly. A sim­i­lar web­site in the Russ­ian language

WHO: Equitable, Global Distribution of 2 Billion COVID-19 Vaccine Doses to Begin in 2021

Near­ly two bil­lion dos­es of COVID-19 vac­cines have been secured for equi­table dis­tri­b­u­tion in 2021 to the 190 coun­tries that have signed on to a World Health Orga­ni­za­­­tion-led part­ner­ship, accord­ing to a Fri­day announce­ment from the group.  Offi­cials from the