đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Born in France but searching for a future in Africa — #BBCAfricaEye #Shorts

Amid ris­ing nation­al­ism, police vio­lence and social ten­sions in France, some young French Africans are turn­ing to the con­ti­nent in search of, what they say, is a bet­ter life. BBC Africa Eye inves­ti­gates.  đŸŽ„ Watch the doc­u­men­tary ‘The Home­com­ing’, here: https://youtu.be/ZbABHnXDiXE Sub­scribe: http://bit.ly/subscribetoafrica Web­site: https://www.bbc.com/africa Face­book: https://www.facebook.com/bbcnewsafrica/ Twit­ter: https://www.twitter.com/bbcafrica/ Insta­gram: https://www.instagram.com/bbcafrica/ #Sene­gal #France #BBC­Doc­u­men­tary #ReverseM­i­gra­tion

Why is Kenya sending an all women SWAT squad to Haiti? Focus on Africa Podcast

Rus­si­a’s embassy in Sudan has said it is inves­ti­gat­ing reports that a car­go plane with Russ­ian crew was shot down in Dar­fur, a key bat­tle ground in the civ­il war between the army and the para­mil­i­tary Rapid Sup­port Forces.  Kenya’s all women SWAT squad heads to Haiti And will the jun­ta in Gabon step aside once

William Ruto ‘confident’ in police deploying to Haiti — BBC Africa

The Kenya gov­ern­ment will send close to 1,000 peace­keep­ing police offi­cers under a UN mis­sion to Haiti, aimed at help­ing the coun­try’s tran­si­tion­al author­i­ties restore order. For weeks, gangs in Haiti had been car­ry­ing out dead­ly co-ordi­­nat­ed attacks, demand­ing the res­ig­na­tion of the then Prime Min­is­ter Ariel Hen­ry. He agreed to step down in March.

MAYOR ON THE FRONT LINE: Democracy in Crisis — #BBCAfricaEye #IWD2024 #Shorts

đŸŽ„ Watch the doc­u­men­tary “May­or on the Front Line: Democ­ra­cy in Cri­sis” from #BBCAfrica­Eye here: https://youtu.be/8_fwvmKNCNo Sub­scribe: http://bit.ly/subscribetoafrica Web­site: https://www.bbc.com/africa Face­book: https://www.facebook.com/bbcnewsafrica/ Twit­ter: https://www.twitter.com/bbcafrica/ Insta­gram: https://www.instagram.com/bbcafrica/

Francis Ngannou is ‘like a king’ in Cameroon — BBC Africa

The much-antic­i­­pat­ed box­ing match between MMA super­star Fran­cis Ngan­nou and for­mer world heavy­weight cham­pi­on Antho­ny Joshua, already attract­ing a surge in online search traf­fic. Ahead of the clash, we vis­it­ed Ngannou’s home­town of BatiĂ© in Cameroon to find out more about this “cham­pi­on of cham­pi­ons”, dis­cov­er­ing that he used to be a sand min­er and

The president who vowed not to overstay — BBC Africa

“The pres­i­dent can­not extend his term of office, not even by one day”. These were the words of Sene­gal’s pres­i­dent, Macky Sall before his elec­tion in 2012, but has he gone back on his word?  Sene­gal is in polit­i­cal tur­moil since its leader post­poned the Feb­ru­ary 2024 elec­tions, with crit­ics say­ing the move is just anoth­er way

Haiti crisis: Will Kenya overcome the ghosts of Brazil’s mission? BBC Africa

Kenya is deploy­ing a force of 1,000 police offi­cers to Haiti to fight crim­i­nal gangs that have tak­en con­trol of Haiti’s cap­i­tal, Port-au-Prince. How­ev­er, Kenya is not the first for­eign inter­ven­tion in Haiti; Brazil led a mis­sion from 2004 to 2016, with a mixed out­come. But can Kenya suc­ceed where oth­ers have failed? And what

African students loved living in Sudan but war forced them to flee — BBC Africa

African stu­dents in Sudan share the real­i­ties of find­ing them­selves in a war zone, after mov­ing to the coun­try for a new chap­ter and edu­ca­tion. “Just imag­ine wak­ing up the morn­ing with bomb blasts.” “Very, very, very scary,” says Fauziya Idris Safiyo. #sudan #sudan­war #bbcafrica Sub­scribe: http://bit.ly/subscribetoafrica Web­site: https://www.bbc.com/africa Face­book: https://www.facebook.com/bbcnewsafrica/ Twit­ter: https://www.twitter.com/bbcafrica/ Insta­gram: https://www.instagram.com/bbcafrica/

What does South Africa get out of Brics? BBC Africa

The five Brics coun­tries of Brazil, Rus­sia, India, Chi­na and South Africa are hold­ing their 15th annu­al sum­mit in Johan­nes­burg. How­ev­er one of the nations lead­ers, Vladimir Putin, will not be there.  The G7 nations have been very crit­i­cal of Rus­si­a’s inva­sion of Ukraine, but the Brics nations, includ­ing South Africa, less so.  The BBC’s Kim Chakanetsa

Sickle Cell: The Enemy Within — BBC Africa Eye documentary

At just six months of age, Lea Kilen­ga Bey was diag­nosed with sick­le cell. Her par­ents were told by doc­tors that she wouldn’t reach her teenage years.  Instead, Lea has become a bea­con of hope for sick­le cell suf­fer­ers across Africa, bat­tling both the stig­mas sur­round­ing the dis­ease and the author­i­ties who fail to provide