Major international crisis ‘much more likely’ in Trump’s second term, says his ex-national security adviser

John Bolton deliv­ers scathing cri­tique of Trump’s lack of knowl­edge or coher­ent strat­e­gy: ‘I’m very wor­ried’ A major inter­na­tion­al cri­sis is “much more like­ly” in Don­ald Trump’s sec­ond term giv­en the president-elect’s “inabil­i­ty to focus” on for­eign pol­i­cy, a for­mer US ambas­sador to the Unit­ed Nations (UN) has warned. John Bolton, who at 17 months…

Mitch McConnell warns Trump to avoid ‘isolationist’ foreign policy in second term

Repub­li­cans’ out­go­ing US Sen­ate leader takes issue with for­eign pol­i­cy think­ing in party’s Maga move­ment Mitch McConnell, the Repub­li­cans’ out­go­ing leader in the US Sen­ate, has called on Don­ald Trump to avoid an “iso­la­tion­ist” for­eign pol­i­cy dur­ing his loom­ing sec­ond pres­i­den­cy – and urged him to back up a surge in Amer­i­can “hard pow­er” by…

Joe Biden addresses America’s ‘original sin’ of slavery on Angola visit

US pres­i­dent remem­bers ‘stolen men and women and chil­dren brought to our shores’ and lauds Amer­i­can invest­ment in coun­try Joe Biden addressed America’s his­to­ry of enslave­ment in a speech on Tues­day at Angola’s Nation­al Muse­um of Slav­ery, call­ing it “our nation’s orig­i­nal sin” dur­ing a trip in which he also laud­ed recent US invest­ment in…

The Democrats must radically rethink foreign policy | Anatol Lieven

A deep and search­ing debate on the Demo­c­ra­t­ic party’s approach to for­eign affairs is now urgent In domes­tic polit­i­cal terms, the for­eign pol­i­cy of the Biden admin­is­tra­tion has proved almost unimag­in­ably suc­cess­ful – for Don­ald Trump, whom it enabled to run for pres­i­dent as the rep­re­sen­ta­tive, how­ev­er men­da­cious­ly so, of for­eign pol­i­cy restraint. A deep…

Biden to visit Angola as global powers vie for African influence

US and EU are sup­port­ing infra­struc­ture projects in Ango­la, which has his­tor­i­cal­ly been clos­er to Rus­sia and Chi­na When Joe Biden trav­els to Ango­la on Sun­day, it will be the first trip to an African coun­try of his pres­i­den­cy and the first to the con­ti­nent by a sit­ting US pres­i­dent since Barack Oba­ma vis­it­ed Kenya and…

Assassination again shows Netanyahu’s disregard for US-Israel relations

Hamas killing is fur­ther snub to Biden admin­is­tra­tion, which does not share meth­ods or objec­tives of Israeli leader Stand­ing along­side Don­ald Trump in Flori­da a week ago, Ben­jamin Netanyahu was vague on the lat­est prospect of a cease­fire in the war in Gaza. “I hope we are going to have a deal. Time will tell,” the…

Key Black Muslim group backs Kamala Harris for president over Gaza stance

Black Mus­lim Lead­er­ship Coun­cil Fund says Har­ris has ‘shown more sym­pa­thy towards the peo­ple of Gaza’ than Biden or Trump Kamala Har­ris has won the back­ing for her pres­i­den­tial bid of a key US Mus­lim orga­ni­za­tion that had declined to endorse Joe Biden before he with­drew from his re-elec­­tion cam­paign. The switch to Har­ris was a…

US has seen evidence of attempts by China to influence election, says Blinken

Sec­re­tary of state met Xi Jin­ping in Bei­jing and warned of sanc­tions over China’s sup­port for Russ­ian arms indus­try Wash­ing­ton has seen evi­dence of attempts by Bei­jing to “influ­ence and arguably inter­fere” in this year’s US elec­tions, the sec­re­tary of state has said dur­ing a trip to Chi­na, also warn­ing that Chi­nese com­pa­nies face new…

Chuck Schumer lauds Senate’s ‘greatest achievement in years’ as foreign aid bill passes – video

The US Sen­ate has vot­ed resound­ing­ly by 79 to 18 to approve $95bn in aid for Ukraine, Israel and Tai­wan, as a bipar­ti­san super-major­i­­ty unit­ed to send the long-stalled pack­age to Joe Biden’s desk for sig­na­ture. The bill was approved after pro­ceed­ings that were hailed by the Sen­ate major­i­ty leader, Chuck Schumer, as ‘one of…

‘Building an authoritarian axis’: the Trump ‘envoy’ courting the global far right

Richard Grenell’s shad­ow for­eign pol­i­cy cam­paign is unset­tling diplo­mats and threat­ens to col­lapse US inter­ests For Don­ald Trump, he is “my envoy”, the man appar­ent­ly anoint­ed as the for­mer US president’s rov­ing ambas­sador while he plots a return to the White House. To crit­ics, he is seen as “an online pest” and “a nation­al disgrace” –…