But CAN the United States defend Taiwan?

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has yet again stat­ed that if Chi­na attacked Tai­wan to reuni­fy what Bei­jing sees as a rene­gade province with the main­land, the Unit­ed States would come to Taiwan’s mil­i­tary defense. White House staff has again fol­lowed up these off-the-cuff pres­i­den­tial com­ments with a “clar­i­fi­ca­tion” that in fact, strate­gic ambi­gu­i­ty remains Amer­i­can pol­i­cy. Somewhat…

U.S. Allows Hunters to Import Some Elephant Trophies From African Countries

After set­tling a law­suit filed dur­ing the Trump admin­is­tra­tion, the Fish and Wildlife Ser­vice grant­ed six per­mits to bring ele­phant parts into the coun­try. It may approve more in the com­ing months. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser­vice informed some hunters last month that it would allow the import of six ele­phant tro­phies into the…

The News

African News Today — This Week — This Month

“Cov­er­age of the African con­ti­nent con­sti­tutes only 5.6 per­cent of inter­na­tion­al news pro­duced by US news media. This 5.6 per­cent offers for its intend­ed audi­ence lit­tle depth in the por­tray­al of an entire con­ti­nent.”  —Asya A. Beso­va, and Skye Chance Coo­ley, For­eign News and Pub­lic Opin­ion, 2010 Each day sig­nif­i­cant African News—Today—This week— This Month happens…