African countries respond to global inflation [Business Africa] | Africanews

In Africa, gov­ern­ments are step­ping up their efforts to mit­i­gate the impact of the Rus­sia-Ukraine cri­sis on their cit­i­zens’ wal­lets. Accord­ing to UNCTAD data, no less than 25 African coun­tries import more than a third of their wheat from Rus­sia and Ukraine; 15 import more than half and two coun­tries, Benin and Soma­lia, import 100%. So how is Africa try­ing to lim­it the impacts of this crisis?
Ghana presents robust dig­i­tal econ­o­myGhana has recent­ly embarked on the trans­for­ma­tion of sev­er­al pub­lic ser­vices. An iden­ti­ty card serves as a bio­met­ric pass­port and tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber. In this way, the coun­try intends to mobilise domes­tic rev­enue and pros­e­cute all those who evade tax­es before the end of the year. This dig­i­tal pol­i­cy, which affects all sec­tors, should be a response to finan­cial exclu­sion and the pre­dom­i­nance of the infor­mal sector.
Burun­di cof­fee sec­tor strug­gles to rebound­In Burun­di, cof­fee accounts for near­ly 40% of export resources, and sup­ports 8 mil­lion Burun­di­ans. With the fail­ure of the pri­vati­sa­tion of the sec­tor, the state has been run­ning the sec­tor since 2019, but pro­duc­tion fig­ures remain low, drop­ping from 34,000 to 6,000 tonnes for the 2021–2022 grow­ing sea­son. Cof­fee grow­ers’ dis­con­tent is grow­ing, as well as the lack of trace­abil­i­ty of all actors involved in the sector.