Google to pay The New York Times around $100 million over three years

This sto­ry, plus a look at the 2023 Pulitzer Prize win­ners, press group says Israeli mil­i­tary took no account­abil­i­ty for jour­nal­ists’ deaths over the past 20 years and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries May 8, 2023New York Times to get around $100 mil­lion from Google over three years [Sub­scrip­tion required] Alexan­dra Bruell […]…

Google signs deal to pay 300+ news publishers in Europe

This sto­ry, plus OAN seg­ment states there was no wide­spread elec­tion fraud, Elon Musk says he would reverse Trump’s Twit­ter ban and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries May 11, 2022 May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022 Press & Gov­ern­ment May 10, 2022 Media Busi­ness May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022 Research May 10, 2022 Inter­na­tion­al May 11, 2022 May 11, 2022…

Google internet cable lands in Africa, promising fast connection | Reuters

DAKAR, March 18 (Reuters) — A sub­sea cable owned by Google (GOOGL.O) that promis­es to dou­ble inter­net speeds for mil­lions in Africa arrived in Togo on Fri­day, the com­pa­ny said, the lat­est step in a mul­ti-year project to pro­vide cheap­er access to users across the continent.The Equiano cable, the first of its kind to reach Africa, has wound its way from Por­tu­gal and will dou­ble inter­net speed for Togo’s 8 mil­lion res­i­dents, Google said in a statement.That may be a taste of things to come for oth­er coun­tries set to ben­e­fit in a region where inter­net use is ris­ing fast but where net­works are often crip­pling­ly slow and are a drag on eco­nom­ic development.Register now for FREE unlim­it­ed access to Reuters.comRegisterThe new line will also make land in Nige­ria, Namib­ia and South Africa, with pos­si­ble branch­es offer­ing con­nec­tions to near­by coun­tries. It is expect­ed to start oper­at­ing by the end of the year.Sub-Saharan Africa is the world’s least-con­nect­ed region, with around a quar­ter of the pop­u­la­tion still lack­ing mobile broad­band cov­er­age com­pared to 7% glob­al­ly, accord­ing to a 2020 report by GSMA Intelligence.Most coun­tries in West Africa are at the bot­tom of a World Bank glob­al rank­ing on inter­net pen­e­tra­tion. read more Togo will be the first to ben­e­fit. The cable is expect­ed to reduce inter­net prices by 14% by 2025, accord­ing to an Africa Prac­tice and Gen­e­sis Ana­lyt­ics assess­ment com­mis­sioned by Google.Google said the cable will indi­rect­ly cre­ate 37,000 jobs in Togo by 2025 and boost GDP by $193 million.Register now for FREE unlim­it­ed access to Reuters.comRegisterReporting by Sofia Chris­tensen; Edit­ing by Edward McAl­lis­ter­Our Stan­dards: The Thom­son Reuters Trust Principles.

Headlines Tag Late Tanzanian Hero John Magufuli with Covid-19 Stigma

The news head­lines fol­low­ing the pass­ing of Tan­zan­ian leader John Magu­fuli paint him in a neg­a­tive light. This is not fair.  Magu­fuli became pres­i­dent in 2015 and won reelec­tion to a sec­ond term fol­low­ing the Octo­ber 2020 gen­er­al elec­tions. Tan­za­nia is often hailed as one of the African continent’s most demo­c­ra­t­ic, polit­i­cal­ly sta­ble, and pros­per­ous African nations.…

In Case You Missed It 8/17/15 — 8/23/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. The week brings news about the launch of Google’s newest gad­get in sev­er­al African coun­tries, as well as analy­sis from For­eign Affairs mag­a­zine which gives a rat­ing of the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion’s Africa pol­i­cy thus far. Google expands…