How is money being spent in Kenyan elections? BBC Africa

Kenyan politi­cians are using mil­lions of dol­lars to fight for polit­i­cal seats in the 2022 gen­er­al elec­tion. Attempts by the elec­toral body to cap cam­paign financ­ing and con­tri­bu­tions were thwart­ed by the nation­al assem­bly in 2021. How are politi­cians spend­ing the mon­ey? What are impli­ca­tions for the coun­try’s democ­ra­cy? BBC Africa’s Ash­ley Ogon­da explains. Pro­duced by…

Kenya election: TikTok and disinformation — BBC Africa

Tik­Tok is one of the most pop­u­lar social media plat­forms among young vot­ers but its role in Kenya’s heat­ed pres­i­den­tial race is going rel­a­tive­ly unscru­ti­nised. BBC Monitoring’s Bev­er­ly Ochieng takes a look at how it works in the polit­i­cal back-and-forth between the lead­ing pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates. Cam­era: Antho­ny Irun­gu Edit­ing: Suni­ti Singh Video pro­duced by BBC Monitoring…

Libyan rivals resume U.N.-brokered talks on elections | AP News

CAIRO (AP) — Rival Libyan offi­cials on Sun­day resumed talks in the Egypt­ian cap­i­tal, the lat­est U.N.-led efforts to agree on con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ments for elec­tions as the North African nation again finds itself at a polit­i­cal impasse.Twelve law­mak­ers from Libya’s east-based par­lia­ment and 11 from the High Coun­cil of State, an advi­so­ry body from west­ern Libya, were attend­ing the Cairo-host­ed talks, said Abdul­lah Bli­heg, the parliament’s spokesman.The U.N. spe­cial advis­er on Libya, Stephanie Williams, said the talks aim at address­ing core chal­lenges — includ­ing the polit­i­cal sys­tem, eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria, and a time­line for elec­tions. She advised the atten­dees that they have until May 28 to come with an agreement.“This ses­sion con­sti­tutes your last chance to pro­vide a cred­i­ble response to the expec­ta­tions of the Libyan peo­ple and make con­crete progress on these issues,” she said.The first round of the talks