Black People in Colorado

Black Demographics in Colorado

  BLACK DEMOGRAPHICS IN COLORADO The Black Demo­graph­ics in Col­orado is low com­pared to oth­er races. Yet the Black com­mu­ni­ty in the state is said to be grow­ing. Col­orado is often con­sid­ered one of the Best Places to Live in the Unit­ed States. The Cen­ten­ni­al State is known for many things, includ­ing its beau­ti­ful mountain…

Colorado Africans in the News

Col­orado Africans in the News This page is about Col­orado Africans in the News. The African com­mu­ni­ty in the state of Col­orado is an impor­tant part of the state’s elec­torate. More than ever before their voice is sought by the state’s lead­ers on impor­tant socio-polit­i­­cal mat­ters.  Africans in the Dias­po­ra For almost two decades, Africa Agenda…