How the Iraq war altered US politics and led to the emergence of Trump

The dri­ve to war was fueled by par­ti­san­ship and served as an accel­er­ant to the extrem­ism that led to Trump and the Capi­tol riot Long shad­ow of US inva­sion of Iraq still looms over inter­na­tion­al order Twen­ty years ago, Lt Col Karen Kwiatkows­ki was work­ing as a desk offi­cer in the Pen­ta­gon, when she became aware of…

What America’s Great Unwinding Would Mean for the World

A pecu­liar cog­ni­tive dis­so­nance seems to have tak­en hold in the world. The West­ern response to Russia’s inva­sion of Ukraine—led and propped up by the Unit­ed States—has remind­ed the world that the inter­na­tion­al order is, if any­thing, more depen­dent on Amer­i­can mil­i­tary, eco­nom­ic, and finan­cial might now than only a few years ago. Yet everywhere…

China Is Doing Biden’s Work for Him

If Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s trip to Asia—marked as it was by his com­ments on the defense of Tai­wan, announce­ments on a pro­posed new region­al trade pact, and meet­ings with lead­ers who exhib­it sim­i­lar lev­els of con­cern about a ris­ing China—has shown the per­sis­tence of Amer­i­can glob­al pow­er, it has also revealed some­thing of equal importance:…