Commonwealth Meeting in Rwanda Has a Long Agenda. Human Rights Isn’t on It.

A sum­mit of the orga­ni­za­tion that was born out of the embers of the British Empire is being held for the first time in the African coun­try, but dis­cus­sion of the host’s alleged abus­es is con­spic­u­ous­ly miss­ing. KIGALI, Rwan­da — Pres­i­dents, princes and prime min­is­ters from across the world gath­ered on Fri­day in Kigali, the…

The small African state of Somaliland legally doesn’t exist. But Taiwan has spied an … — ABC

“It’s a secret,” smiles Allen C Lou, when asked how many Tai­wanese per­son­nel are based in Hargeisa, cap­i­tal of the unrecog­nised state of Soma­liland in the Horn of Africa.Taiwan is com­mit­ted to recog­nis­ing the de fac­to state and Lou is Taipei’s chief diplo­mat. But he is coy about just how sub­stan­tial Taipei’s diplo­mat­ic del­e­ga­tion real­ly is.On social media and in con­ver­sa­tion, he casu­al­ly embraces the title of ambas­sador. Yet giv­en the ambigu­ous polit­i­cal sta­tus of Soma­liland, his host coun­try, Lou is mind­ful to point out that his offi­cial title is mere­ly “representative”.But no mat­ter the size of Tai­wan’s pres­ence in Soma­liland, Taipei’s alliance with this unrecog­nised state has been steadi­ly build­ing since August 2020.

2023 African Nations Cup qualifiers results & fixtures (2nd round) — Africa — Ahram Online

All times GMT+2
Sun­day 5 June 
Group E
Mada­gas­car 1–1 Ango­laS­cor­ers: Rako­to­hari­malala 36 / Gel­son 43
Cen­tral Africa 1–1 GhanaScor­ers: Nam­n­gan­da 41 / Kudus 17
Group J
Botswana 0–0 Tunisia
Mon­day 6 June 
21:00 Equa­to­r­i­al Guinea vs. Libya
Tues­day 7 June 
Group B
15:00 Eswa­ti­ni vs. Burk­i­na Faso18:00 Cap Verde vs. Togo
Group H
18:00 Zam­bia vs. Comoros
Group L
21:00 Rwan­da vs. Senegal
Wednes­day 8 June
Group F
15:00 Ugan­da vs. Niger18:00 Tan­za­nia vs. Algeria
Group G
18:00 Con­go vs. Gambia
Group I
18:00 Gabon vs. Mauritania21:00 Sudan vs. DR Congo
Group L
21:00 Benin vs. Mozambique
Thurs­day 9 June 
Group C
15:00 Burun­di vs. Cameroon
Group G
15:00 South Sudan vs. Mali
Group D
18:00 Guinea vs. Malawi18:00 Ethiopia vs. Egypt
Group H
19:00 Lesotho vs. Cote D’Ivoire
Mon­day 13 June 
Group A
15:00 Mau­ri­tius vs. Nigeria18:00 Sier­ra Leon vs. Guinea Bissau
Group K
21:00 Liberia vs. Morocco
(For more sports news and updates, fol­low Ahram Online Sports on Twit­ter at @AO_Sports and on Face­book at AhramOnlineSports.)

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UK Plan to Deport Asylum Seekers to Rwanda Considered “Cruel”

Fol­low­ing a recent agree­ment signed between the British and Rwan­dan gov­ern­ments on asy­lum seek­ers in the Unit­ed King­dom, sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al aid agen­cies report that some asy­lum seek­ers in the UK have gone into hid­ing for fear of being sent to Rwan­da. Under the agree­ment, peo­ple sus­pect­ed of ille­gal­ly enter­ing the UK would be flown to…

How Russia’s Wagner Group Is Expanding in Africa

Best known for its mer­ce­nar­ies, the Wag­n­er Group also mines dia­monds, spreads dis­in­for­ma­tion and props up auto­crats in an effort to grow Russia’s foot­print. Mer­ce­nar­ies are enjoy­ing a resur­gence in Africa, hired to fight in some of the continent’s most intractable con­flicts. Per­haps the most famous out­fit is the Wag­n­er Group, a neb­u­lous net­work that…

How the West Lost Africa

Wel­come to For­eign Pol­i­cy’s Africa Brief. The high­lights this week: Tunisia’s largest trade union calls a strike over wages, a politi­cian in Alge­ria seeks to crim­i­nal­ize nor­mal­iza­tion of rela­tions with Israel, and the Meroe pyra­mids in Sudan are dig­i­tized. If you would like to receive Africa Brief in your inbox every Wednes­day, please sign up here.…

How currency sanctions on Russia could disrupt trade with Africa

Intro­duc­tion Finan­cial sanc­tions tend to hurt both the sanc­tioned and the sanc­tion­er, but they also threat­en to hurt coun­tries that are finan­cial­ly inter­linked with the sanc­tioned coun­try. Recent sanc­tions levied on Rus­sia by the Unit­ed States and the Euro­pean Union in response to Russia’s inva­sion of Ukraine are dis­rupt­ing glob­al trade and finan­cial net­works across…

Dawn of a second Cold War and the ‘scramble for Africa’

Abstract Ample empir­i­cal evi­dence shows that the African Con­ti­nen­tal Free Trade Area (AfCF­TA) will boost the com­pet­i­tive­ness of African economies and accel­er­ate the diver­si­fi­ca­tion of sources of growth and trade to deep­en eco­nom­ic inte­gra­tion in Africa and enhance the region’s assim­i­la­tion into the world econ­o­my. How­ev­er, real­iz­ing these poten­tials hinges on revers­ing the cur­rent trend…