Putin’s World Order Would Be Devastating for Africa

On March 2, mem­ber states of the Unit­ed Nations Gen­er­al Assem­bly vot­ed over­whelm­ing­ly in favor of a res­o­lu­tion that strong­ly con­demned Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin’s war of aggres­sion against Ukraine. The res­o­lu­tion, which was sup­port­ed by 141 mem­ber states, affirmed that “any attempt aimed at the … dis­rup­tion of the ter­ri­to­r­i­al integri­ty of a State…

A Macron Victory Isn’t Enough

We live in a time of con­stant upheaval and infu­ri­at­ing iner­tia. Exis­ten­tial threats to West­ern democ­ra­cy abound, but noth­ing seems to change. With new ideas and tech­nolo­gies trans­form­ing the ways we live and work, much of the pub­lic seems impa­tient, urg­ing on change, while the rest demands con­trol and pro­tec­tion. Amid such fever­ish divi­sion, elections…

Why the World Isn’t Really United Against Russia

As Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin’s army reduced one Ukrain­ian city after anoth­er to rub­ble, crush­ing civil­ians caught in apart­ment blocks and shop­ping malls under a rain of artillery and mis­sile fire, many observers in the rich world bemoaned the dys­func­tion of the Unit­ed Nations for not being able to over­come an obsta­cle writ­ten into its…