At DU, Students Learn about an Early Warning System for Conflicts in Africa

The num­ber of con­flicts in the world today, includ­ing those that are tak­ing place in the African con­ti­nent, remains a cause of con­cern to many. Today the world has the largest num­ber of con­flicts since the Sec­ond World War. Some of these con­flicts are not just in Africa. They include the con­flicts in Ukraine. The cumulative…

Kenya's Democracy

Three Reasons Why Kenya’s Democracy Triumphed

Edi­tor’s Note: The August 2022 Kenya pres­i­den­tial elec­tion result­ed in a dis­pute that was resolved by the Supreme Court. Con­trary to pre­dic­tions that the dis­pute may result in vio­lence, the sit­u­a­tion end­ed with a peace­ful trans­fer of pow­er from the admin­is­tra­tion of Pres­i­dent Uhu­ru Keny­at­ta to a new admin­is­tra­tion led by for­mer Deputy Pres­i­dent William…

Kenya’s Supreme Court Upholds Presidential Election Results

In a sweep­ing rejec­tion of claims that the Aug. 9 vote had been rigged, the court con­firmed Vice Pres­i­dent William Ruto as the country’s fifth pres­i­dent. NAIROBI, Kenya — The Supreme Court of Kenya on Mon­day upheld the elec­tion of William Ruto as pres­i­dent, end­ing an acri­mo­nious court­room bat­tle over dis­put­ed results from the Aug.…

Angola’s Ruling Party, MPLA, Retains Power in Tightest Election Yet

The Pop­u­lar Move­ment for the Lib­er­a­tion of Ango­la won in the gen­er­al elec­tion with the low­est mar­gin since com­ing to pow­er in 1975. LUANDA, Ango­la — Angola’s rul­ing par­ty on Mon­day was declared the win­ner of the gen­er­al elec­tion, but it was its weak­est show­ing in the five elec­tions that have tak­en place since the country…

The Guardian view on the US in Africa: a better tone, but what next? | Editorial

The Guardian view on the US in Africa: a bet­ter tone, but what next? Edi­to­r­i­al Though the sec­re­tary of state struck the right note on his three-nation tour, it will take more than rhetoric to strength­en part­ner­ships on the con­ti­nent The only way was up. When Don­ald Trump wasn’t den­i­grat­ing “shit­hole coun­tries”, his admin­is­tra­tion showed little…

Liberia National Day Graced by Colo. Political, Community Leaders 

AURORA (Africa News Mat­ters) – On the evening of Sat­ur­day, July 30, natives, friends, and well-wish­ers of the African nation of Liberia filled the cor­ri­dors and ball­room of the Hol­i­day Inn Express in Auro­ra to cel­e­brate 175 years since its inde­pen­dence.  For­mer­ly a US ter­ri­to­ry, Liberia was found­ed by freed Amer­i­can slaves on July 26,…