Chad: Hundreds stage anti-French Protest In N’djamena | Africanews

Hun­dreds of Cha­di­ans joined anti-French protests called by the oppo­si­tion coali­tion Wak­it Tama on Sat­ur­day, May 14.
Pro­test­ers oppose France’s mil­i­tary pres­ence in the coun­try and sup­port for tran­si­tion­al Pres­i­dent Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, who has been in pow­er since his father’s death in 2021.
They report­ed­ly attacked “sym­bols” of their for­mer colo­nial pow­er, includ­ing sev­er­al Total petrol stations.

The protest was main­ly attend­ed by stu­dents with many on moto­cy­cles and chant­i­ng “France get out”.
**“Now France is med­dling in pol­i­tics, we don’t know, now the whole Cha­di­an ter­ri­to­ry is occu­pied by the French army. The French army is con­cerned with the wealth of Chad’s sub­soil and not with the well-being of the Cha­di­an people.”**Souleyman Tahir, Protester
For­mer pres­i­dent, Idriss Déby Itno, head­ed an author­i­tar­i­an regime for 30 years and was killed in bat­tle on April 20, 2021, dur­ing a rebel­lion in the north of the country.
Cha­di­an police fired tear gas and used water canon to dis­perse hun­dreds of pro­test­ers who took to the streets of the cap­i­tal and oth­er towns in an anti-French protest that saw the destruc­tion of some French-linked businesses.
The protest was called by Cha­di­an civ­il soci­ety coali­tion Wak­it Tam­ma to denounce France’s back­ing of the Tran­si­tion­al Mil­i­tary Coun­cil that seized pow­er fol­low­ing the bat­tle­field death of Pres­i­dent Idriss Deby in April 2021, a spokesman said.
As France’s influ­ence wanes in its for­mer colonies, recent protests in coun­tries such as Mali, Burk­i­na Faso and Niger have seen calls for increased mil­i­tary ties with Rus­sia instead of France.

EMEA: Central African Republic Embraces Crypto |

In today’s top Europe, Mid­dle East and Africa (EMEA) news, Cen­tral African Repub­lic Finance Min­is­ter Herve Ndo­ba said the use of cryp­tocur­ren­cies in the nation’s econ­o­my is com­ing, while London’s Tru­eLay­er has intro­duced vari­able recur­ring pay­ments (VRP). Plus, Face­book own­er Meta and Google pledged to per­mit only reg­is­tered finan­cial firms to adver­tise pro­mo­tions on their…

Denver Plans Direct Flights to a “Growing African Continent”

DENVER  — (AFRICA NEWS MATTERS)  Recent­ly we learned Den­ver Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (DIA) and the city of Den­ver, fond­ly called the mile-high city, in the US state of Col­orado, have begun explor­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties for direct flights to con­ti­nen­tal Africa. DIA has set up a team that is work­ing on this ini­tia­tive called Den­ver Air Ser­vice Committee. …


How the Swahili Language Can Lift Up the African Continent

After so many years of talk about its poten­tial, the African con­ti­nent is wak­ing up to under­stand and appre­ci­ate the pow­er of uni­ty rep­re­sent­ed by a lan­guage.  The African Union (AU) offi­cial­ly adopt­ed Kiswahili or Swahili as one of the offi­cial work­ing lan­guages of the African con­ti­nent, the Assem­bly of Heads of State and Government…