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US says no troops to Haiti as country reels from explosion of gang violence

Wash­ing­ton says no despite ‘fran­tic’ talks between diplo­mats, as bod­ies lie in street and army bat­tles gun-tot­ing gang mem­bers What led to the Haiti jail­break – and can democ­ra­cy be restored? The Unit­ed States has said it will not send troops to Haiti after a stun­ning erup­tion of gang vio­lence seem­ing­ly designed to bring down…

Macron: The grand master of grandstanding

Ivo Daalder, for­mer U.S. ambas­sador to NATO, is CEO of the Chica­go Coun­cil on Glob­al Affairs and host of the week­ly pod­cast “World Review with Ivo Daalder.” There he goes again, anoth­er head­­­line-grab­bing state­ment from French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron. “Noth­ing should be ruled out,” he said last week , respond­ing to a ques­tion about whether…

A federalized Europe isn’t in America’s interest

Andrew A. Mich­ta is senior fel­low and direc­tor of the Scow­croft Strat­e­gy Ini­tia­tive at the Atlantic Coun­cil of the Unit­ed States. Views expressed here are his own. There’s a sea change com­ing to Europe, and its con­se­quences for America’s rela­tions with key allies haven’t yet reg­is­tered in Wash­ing­ton. Pre­dom­i­nant­ly dri­ven by pres­sure from Berlin and Paris,…