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Review: Kenya Airways 787–8 Economy Class

From Nairo­bi to Johan­nes­burg, I trav­eled on Kenya Air­ways on a Boe­ing 787–8 in econ­o­my class. Ser­vice was pleas­ant onboard and the meal was accept­able, but the chron­i­­cal­­ly-delayed air­line was late again. Kenya Air­ways 787–8 Econ­o­my Class Review After fly­ing from Nairo­bi to New York in busi­ness class on Kenya Air­ways on my pri­or trip, I…

What are Russian mercenaries doing in West Africa? — BBC Africa

The Wag­n­er Group is an organ­i­sa­tion of Russ­ian mer­ce­nar­ies. Thou­sands of their sol­diers have been fight­ing on the Russ­ian side in the war in Ukraine. But they have also been active on the African con­ti­nent in sev­er­al coun­tries — includ­ing the Cen­tral African Repub­lic, Mali and now, alleged­ly, Burk­i­na Faso. These Wag­n­er sol­diers are fight­ing in…

Google to pay The New York Times around $100 million over three years

This sto­ry, plus a look at the 2023 Pulitzer Prize win­ners, press group says Israeli mil­i­tary took no account­abil­i­ty for jour­nal­ists’ deaths over the past 20 years and more, all in today’s media head­lines. Top Sto­ries May 8, 2023New York Times to get around $100 mil­lion from Google over three years [Sub­scrip­tion required] Alexan­dra Bruell […]…