George Bamu, the founder of the U.S.-based 501C (3) non-profit, Africa Agenda, is a journalist, writer, and IT practitioner. A native of Cameroon, Bamu has lived in Aurora, Colorado for more than two decades. **Learn more at AfricaAgenda Dot Org

Colorado Community Gathers to Support Women, Agriculture in East Africa

Thanks to Den­ver-based Africa Devel­op­ment Promise (ADP), an esti­mat­ed 150 peo­ple came out to wit­ness the work that the Amer­i­can NGO does, thou­sands of miles away from its Col­orado head­quar­ters. Billed as a Win­ter Gala, the fundrais­ing event occurred on Sat­ur­day, March 4. The loca­tion was the Arva­da Cen­ter for the Arts and Human­i­ties.  Attendees…

At DU, Students Learn about an Early Warning System for Conflicts in Africa

The num­ber of con­flicts in the world today, includ­ing those that are tak­ing place in the African con­ti­nent, remains a cause of con­cern to many. Today the world has the largest num­ber of con­flicts since the Sec­ond World War. Some of these con­flicts are not just in Africa. They include the con­flicts in Ukraine. The cumulative…

My Skin Global —Raising Awareness about the Dangers of “Skin Bleaching”

  Skin Bleach­ing or “col­orism” among peo­ple of col­or is a top­ic that rarely comes up in com­mu­ni­ty dis­cus­sions in the Unit­ed States or in African coun­tries. The prac­tice is also known as “skin light­en­ing.” It involves the use of chem­i­cal prod­ucts by most­ly black and brown peo­ple to help change or light­en their complexion…

Stephanie Hancock

Stephanie Hancock — Coloradan, Black Woman Running for State Office

His­tor­i­cal­ly, Black women hold few elect­ed or appoint­ed offices in the US. That is accord­ing to the Cen­ter for Amer­i­can Women and Pol­i­tics at Rudgers Uni­ver­si­ty. This trend may be chang­ing as some notable elec­tions and nom­i­na­tions have seen Black women and oth­er women of col­or take posi­tions of lead­er­ship in Amer­i­ca. This includes the…

Liberia National Day Graced by Colo. Political, Community Leaders 

AURORA (Africa News Mat­ters) – On the evening of Sat­ur­day, July 30, natives, friends, and well-wish­ers of the African nation of Liberia filled the cor­ri­dors and ball­room of the Hol­i­day Inn Express in Auro­ra to cel­e­brate 175 years since its inde­pen­dence.  For­mer­ly a US ter­ri­to­ry, Liberia was found­ed by freed Amer­i­can slaves on July 26,…

President Biden Announces U.S. — Africa Leaders Summit

DENVER (Africa News Mat­ters) — There are no doubts about the strate­gic impor­tance of the African con­ti­nent to the world’s super­pow­ers. Just as Rus­sia, Chi­na, and India have upped the ante in rela­tions with African nations, the Unit­ed States, con­sid­ered gross­ly lag­ging in its strate­gic rela­tions with the con­ti­nent, appears ready to change its ways. The Obama…

Mandela Fellows Receive Training at Denver’s Posner Center

DENVER (Africa News Mat­ters) —Since its incep­tion in 2014, the Man­dela Wash­ing­ton Fel­low­ship pro­gram has seen par­tic­i­pa­tion from more than 5000 young African lead­ers from all coun­tries on the con­ti­nent. That’s accord­ing to the Depart­ment of State’s Young African Lead­ers Ini­tia­tive (YALI) pro­gram web­site.  The fel­low­ship pro­gram, a sig­nif­i­cant part of YALI, works in collaboration…