UN agencies, partners establish global Ebola vaccine stockpile

In a major mile­stone in the fight against dead­ly dis­eases, Unit­ed Nations agen­cies and human­i­tar­i­an part­ners announced on Tues­day, the estab­lish­ment of a glob­al Ebo­la vac­cine stock­pile, to help con­trol future epi­demics by ensur­ing time­ly access to vac­cines for pop­u­la­tions at risk, dur­ing outbreaks. 

World leaders are appalled by storming of US Capitol — WJXT News4JAX

Lead­ers around the world con­demned the storm­ing of the U.S. Capi­tol by sup­port­ers of Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump on Wednes­day, express­ing shock at the chaos unfold­ing in a coun­try they once relied upon for glob­al lead­er­ship. “Dis­grace­ful scenes in US Con­gress,” tweet­ed Prime Min­is­ter Boris John­son of Britain, a staunch ally of the Unit­ed States over…