Moderna won’t share its vaccine recipe. WHO has hired an African startup to crack it

Enlarge this image Mem­bers of a team at the Afrigen Bio­log­ics and Vac­cines lab in Cape Town, South Africa. The World Health Orga­ni­za­tion has enlist­ed the com­pa­ny to repli­cate Mod­er­na’s COVID-19 vac­cine. Tom­my Tren­chard for NPR Tom­my Tren­chard for NPR Fans of the tele­vi­sion series The Great British Bake Off have long mar­veled at the skill con­tes­tants show…

Franklin Graham worries Trump too old to run in 2024 — Axios

The Rev. Franklin Gra­ham says a poten­tial 2024 pres­i­den­tial bid by Don­ald Trump would “be a very tough thing to do,” the promi­nent Chris­t­ian leader told “Axios on HBO.” Why it mat­ters: Gra­ham, the pres­i­dent of the Bil­ly Gra­ham Evan­ge­lis­tic Asso­ci­a­tion and Samar­i­tan’s Purse, was among Trump’s ear­li­est and most promi­nent evan­gel­i­cal defend­ers. Gra­ham told “Axios…