‘France Has Delivered Almost Nothing’

As the war in Ukraine approach­es the six-month mark, much has changed. Since Rus­sia invad­ed, more than 12 mil­lion Ukraini­ans have been dis­placed, of whom at least 5 mil­lion became refugees across Europe. Sev­er­al cities and towns, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the country’s cen­tral and east­ern regions, have been reduced to rub­ble. Some 5,000 civil­ian deaths have…

Germany Lawmakers Approve NATO Expansion

Law­mak­ers in Ger­many vot­ed over­whelm­ing­ly Fri­day to approve Finland’s and Sweden’s mem­ber­ship in NATO, with Poland’s low­er house mov­ing the rat­i­fi­ca­tion for­ward as well. NATO allies meet­ing in Madrid last week signed the acces­sion pro­to­cols for the two coun­tries to join the alliance. The move must now be rat­i­fied by the gov­ern­ments of all mem­ber states.…

Billionaires Can Arm Ukraine

Dear Jeff Bezos, I know these are trou­bling times for you and the 2,667 oth­er mem­bers of the world’s bil­lion­aire club. Accord­ing to Forbes, there used to be 2,755 of you, but the world’s cur­rent tur­bu­lence has rel­e­gat­ed 87 of you to the mere ranks of mul­ti­mil­lion­aires and shaved your col­lec­tive worth by $400 bil­lion, to…

Commonwealth Meeting in Rwanda Has a Long Agenda. Human Rights Isn’t on It.

A sum­mit of the orga­ni­za­tion that was born out of the embers of the British Empire is being held for the first time in the African coun­try, but dis­cus­sion of the host’s alleged abus­es is con­spic­u­ous­ly miss­ing. KIGALI, Rwan­da — Pres­i­dents, princes and prime min­is­ters from across the world gath­ered on Fri­day in Kigali, the…

U.S. Restraint Has Created an Unstable and Dangerous World

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion failed to deter Rus­sia from its sec­ond inva­sion of Ukraine. Like his pre­de­ces­sors in the White House, U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden went to great lengths to pla­cate and reas­sure Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin in return for sta­ble rela­tions. Biden defied Con­gress when he refused to sanc­tion the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, unilaterally…

Biden’s Defense Chief Puts Alliances at Center Stage of U.S. Defense

Wel­come back to For­eign Pol­i­cy’s SitRep! Jack and Rob­bie here, chuck­ling at Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelenksy’s vis­i­ble dis­com­fort with French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron’s PDA dur­ing his vis­it to Kyiv, Ukraine’s cap­i­tal, today. Alright, back to work. Here’s what’s on tap for the day: U.S. Defense Sec­re­tary Lloyd Austin tries to walk and chew gum between deterring…