Mark Carney laments Canada’s lost friendship with US in visit to 9/11 town

Cana­di­an PM makes remarks on vis­it to New­found­land town that shel­tered US air­line pas­sen­gers after attacks Mark Car­ney has lament­ed Canada’s lost friend­ship with the Unit­ed States as he vis­it­ed the town that shel­tered thou­sands of strand­ed Amer­i­can air­line pas­sen­gers after the 9/11 attacks. The Cana­di­an prime minister’s vis­it to Gan­der, New­found­land, on the second…

As Trump pivots to Russia, allies weigh sharing less intel with U.S. — NBC News

As Trump piv­ots to Rus­sia, allies weigh shar­ing less intel with U.S.  NBC News ‘What the Hell Is Hap­pen­ing to Your Coun­try?’  The Atlantic Why some U.S. allies are reassess­ing intel­li­gence shar­ing with the Trump admin­is­tra­tion  MSNBC Amer­i­­ca-Led Spy Net­work Risks Col­lapse Over Trump-Rus­sia Fears  Newsweek Trump deep­ens NATO’s cri­sis of trust on shar­ing intel  POLITICO Europe

The Inside Story: The Life and Legacy of Jimmy Carter | 178

    Tran­script: The Inside Sto­ry: The Life & Lega­cy of Pres­i­dent Jim­my Carter Episode 178 — Jan­u­ary 9, 2025   Show Open:   Pres­i­dent Jim­my Carter:    I Jim­my Carter do solemn­ly swear….       KANE FARABAUGH, VOA Cor­re­spon­dent:    As the 39th pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States, Jim­my Carter promised a gov­ern­ment as good…