The Inside Story: The Life and Legacy of Jimmy Carter | 178

    Tran­script: The Inside Sto­ry: The Life & Lega­cy of Pres­i­dent Jim­my Carter Episode 178 — Jan­u­ary 9, 2025   Show Open:   Pres­i­dent Jim­my Carter:    I Jim­my Carter do solemn­ly swear….       KANE FARABAUGH, VOA Cor­re­spon­dent:    As the 39th pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States, Jim­my Carter promised a gov­ern­ment as good…

NATO chief aims to put Ukraine in position of strength for peace talks with Russia

BRUSSELS — NATO’s sec­re­­tary-gen­er­al said he wants to dis­cuss ways to put Ukraine in a posi­tion of strength for any future peace talks with Rus­sia dur­ing a meet­ing Wednes­day with Ukraine’s pres­i­dent and a small num­ber of Euro­pean lead­ers. But Mark Rutte appeared frus­trat­ed at grow­ing spec­u­la­tion in NATO cap­i­tals about when those peace talks might…

Kenyan police in Haiti submit resignations over pay delays — Reuters

Kenyan police in Haiti sub­mit res­ig­na­tions over pay delays  Reuters Under assault by gangs in Haiti, a Kenyan-led mis­sion fights back  The Asso­ci­at­ed Press UN Force Faces Relent­less Gang Vio­lence in Haiti’s Cap­i­tal  Newsweek Haiti’s multi­na­tion­al police mis­sion denies reports of unpaid wages  Al Jazeera Eng­lish Kenya police boss denies reports offi­cers in Haiti peace­keep­ing mis­sion haven’t been paid in…