
Kenyans Abroad: Sheila Van de Graaph and YouthRoots

  Youth­Roots is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion you prob­a­bly have nev­er heard of. Head­quar­tered in Den­ver, Col­orado, it taps into the pow­er of young peo­ple to make deci­sions that affect their lives. We dis­cov­ered Youth­Roots and their work on Novem­ber 13th when we attend­ed a gath­er­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Den­ver’s Kor­bel School of Inter­na­tion­al Stud­ies titled “Con­nect­ed­ness in a Dis­con­nect­ed World.”…

Students for Africa

DU’s Students for Africa Host Community Dinner After Elections

The recent com­mu­ni­ty din­ner orga­nized by the Stu­dents for Africa group at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Den­ver’s Kor­bel School of Inter­na­tion­al Stud­ies was spe­cial. It was spe­cial because the con­cept of unit­ing the com­mu­ni­ty for dia­logue occurs only occa­sion­al­ly in this town. As a par­tic­i­pant, I had not seen any­thing like this for quite some time,…

Sierra Leone Independence Day

Coloradans Gather for Sierra Leone’s Independence Day Celebration

April 27 marked 62 years since the African nation of Sier­ra Leone attained its inde­pen­dence from Great Britain.  The local com­mu­ni­ty of Sier­ra Leoneans in Col­orado did not want this impor­tant his­tor­i­cal event to pass by silent­ly. So, they sent out invi­ta­tions, pre­pared dish­es, ordered a vari­ety of drinks, and gath­ered in the halls of…

Colorado’s Africans Gather at Townhall Meeting

It was Sat­ur­day, Dec. 11 when a group of lead­ers of the grow­ing African com­mu­ni­ty in Col­orado met with State Rep. Naque­t­ta Ricks at the Meskerem restau­rant in Auro­ra to dis­cuss her work.  The law­mak­er was eager to learn about the com­mu­ni­ty’s hopes and expec­ta­tions. Ricks, a Demo­c­rat rep­re­sent­ing House Dis­trict 40 was elect­ed in Nov.…


African Community In Colorado Enter the Rough and Tumble of US Politics

Edi­tor’s Note: This post was pub­lished before the Novem­ber 6, 2020, U.S. midterm elec­tions. The  results show Jason Crow defeat­ing Mike Coff­man by 10 points (54.1 by 42.9)  With­out a doubt, one of the hottest races in the 2018 U.S. midterm elec­tion is being fought in Colorado’s Front Range which includes Auro­ra, Cen­ten­ni­al, Brighton, and…

Colorado’s Africans and US Politics

                          The African Com­mu­ni­ty in Col­orado con­tin­ues to grow. As this growth is pro­ject­ed to con­tin­ue, cov­er­age of Colorado’s Africans by local and inter­na­tion­al news media shows us how impor­tant the com­mu­ni­ty is to the state’s pol­i­tics.  The com­mu­ni­ty in Col­orado brings together…