African soccer clubs in ColoradoGoogle

A lot of peo­ple ask us about the exis­tence of any African soc­cer clubs in Col­orado. Often, we’ve direct­ed them to oth­er web­sites where they can obtain this infor­ma­tion.  This list includes the Unit­ed Pre­miere Soc­cer League which is com­posed of some of the best Col­orado-based African soc­cer play­ers in the state. The teams include the Col­orado Ghana Stars, DR Con­go Leop­ards, Ocean Stars Soma­lia, and oth­ers.  Today we decid­ed that we would list this infor­ma­tion on Africa News Mat­ters and make it avail­able direct­ly to you. 

NEWS > ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS. READ MORE: African Chamber of Commerce honors achievements of local businesses

United Premiere Soccer League

African Soc­cer Club


Bright Stats of Colorado

Soc­cer Academy

3033 South Park­er Road, Suite 240
Auro­ra, Col­orado 80014



Col­orado Rapids Youth Soc­cer Club

Soc­cer club

Auro­ra, CO

(303) 399‑5858


Col­orado Rapids Youth Soc­cer Club

Soc­cer club

Auro­ra, CO

Open ⋅ Clos­es 10PM · (303) 399‑5858


Bright Stars of Col­orado (BSC)

Soc­cer club

Auro­ra, CO · In Pavil­ion Towers

 (720) 262‑8761


Col­orado Storm Soc­cer Asso­ci­a­tion- Now Rapids

Soc­cer club

Cen­ten­ni­al, CO · In Sky Harbour

 (303) 399‑5858


Rocky Moun­tain Soc­cer Academy

Soc­cer club

Auro­ra, CO · In Box­er Prop­er­ty : 14201 — 14291 E 4th Avenue

 (303) 617‑5858


Real Col­orado EDGE Soc­cer Club — Arva­da Soc­cer Association

Soc­cer club

Arva­da, CO · In Aspen Busi­ness Park

 (303) 403‑0902


Col­orado Inter­na­tion­al Soc­cer Academy

Soc­cer club

Park­er, CO · In Unit­ed States Postal Service

 (720) 352‑8813


Col­orado Rush Soc­cer Club

Soc­cer club

Lit­tle­ton, CO

 (720) 624‑9000


Sky­line Soc­cer Association

Soc­cer club

Engle­wood, CO

 (303) 691‑5662


Lit­tle­ton Soc­cer Club

Soc­cer club

Lit­tle­ton, CO

(303) 797‑0055


FC Brighton

Soc­cer club

Brighton, CO · In Pal­izzi Marketplace

 (720) 523‑3004


KD Unit­ed Soc­cer Club

Soc­cer club

Auro­ra, CO · In IMT Day­ton Station

(720) 690‑2286


River­side Soc­cer Club

Soc­cer club

Den­ver, CO

 (303) 761‑9412


West­min­ster Soccer

Soc­cer club

West­min­ster, CO · In Lake Arbor Plaza

 (720) 328‑0820


Real Col­orado

Youth orga­ni­za­tion

Cen­ten­ni­al, CO · In High­land Square

 (303) 694‑6882


Pride Soc­cer Club

Soc­cer club

Col­orado Springs, CO

 (719) 597‑6700


Unit­ed Soc­cer Club

Soc­cer club

Love­land, CO · In The Vil­lage Shops

(970) 461‑9358


Col­orado Soc­cer Association

Youth orga­ni­za­tion

Den­ver, CO · In Regency Plaza

 (303) 346‑2777


Pikes Peak Rush Soc­cer Club

Soc­cer club

Col­orado Springs, CO

(719) 428‑1350


B‑Elite Soc­cer Col­orado Springs

Soc­cer club

Col­orado Springs, CO · In Gos­sage Youth Sports Complex

(720) 492‑9487


BVB Inter­na­tion­al Acad­e­my Colorado

Soc­cer club

 (719) 453‑8518