Senegal Votes in an Election That Almost Didn’t Happen top oppo­si­tion politi­cian, Ous­mane Sonko, is barred from run­ning. So Sunday’s vote is wide­ly seen as a choice between his hand­picked can­di­date and the depart­ing president’s des­ig­nat­ed successor.

Senegal’s Presidential Candidates Start Campaigns After Protests Over Vote Delay–0aff-0242–9574–08dc407f9f0a_cx0_cy10_cw0_w800_h450.jpgDAKAR, Sene­gal — Pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates in Sene­gal kicked off their elec­tion cam­paigns Sat­ur­day, fol­low­ing weeks of vio­lent protests across the African coun­try after the vote was delayed.  The 19 approved can­di­dates vying for the top job now have a short­er peri­od to ral­ly sup­port­ers ahead of the March 24 elec­tion, expect­ed to be the most tightly…

Senegal Constitutional Council Finds Election Delay Unlawful–40b2-b192-4e66743c56d1_cx0_cy10_cw0_w800_h450.jpgDAKAR, SENEGAL — Sene­gal’s Con­sti­tu­tion­al Coun­cil on Thurs­day ruled that par­lia­men­t’s unprece­dent­ed post­pone­ment of the Feb­ru­ary 25 pres­i­den­tial vote was not in line with the con­sti­tu­tion, pitch­ing the coun­try into a new phase of elec­toral uncer­tain­ty.  Oppo­si­tion pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates and law­mak­ers last week filed sev­er­al legal chal­lenges to the bill that delayed the vote to December…