

Fact Check


 Around the World

Celebrations as the world begins to welcome the New Year

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Jimmy Carter and the Costs of the One-Term Presidency

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Trump Can’t Bully the Entire World

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Our Most Read Stories of 2024

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Jimmy Carter Was a Foreign-Policy Visionary

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Spears Books Presents Cameroon Anglophone Literature

The Cameroon Anglo­phone cri­sis remains a dai­ly news top­ic. Although it might appear neglect­ed, numer­ous con­cerned cit­i­zens are eager to high­light it to the glob­al com­mu­ni­ty. Cameroon­ian Anglo­phones, includ­ing Lyombe Eko, seek to edu­cate oth­ers on Cameroon’s his­to­ry and rel­e­vant issues and advo­cate for a res­o­lu­tion. The Anglo­phone Dilem­ma and the Unfor­get­table Past Through its myriad…

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Our Most Read Stories of 2024

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Jimmy Carter Was a Foreign-Policy Visionary

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Major international crisis ‘much more likely’ in Trump’s second term, says his ex-national security adviser

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Mitch McConnell warns Trump to avoid ‘isolationist’ foreign policy in second term

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Poll: Most Americans want US leadership on global affairs, increased defense spending

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…

Joe Biden addresses America’s ‘original sin’ of slavery on Angola visit

IMPORTANT NOTICE: An exter­nal source pro­duced this sto­ry. Sources pro­vide us with insights and are an excel­lent resource for find­ing the truth and reveal­ing com­mu­ni­ty atti­tudes and opin­ions about events. Fol­low­ing this link opens a new brows­er tab and sends you to a web­site out­side of Africa News Mat­ters. We bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the…


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