Christian Women Fellowship

Cameroonian Women at the Aurora First Presbyterian Church Celebrate World Day of Prayer

The vibrant Chris­t­ian Women’s Fel­low­ship (CWF) of Aurora’s First Pres­by­ter­ian Church joy­ful­ly came togeth­er with women around the globe on March 9th to mark World Day of Prayer. This cher­ished cel­e­bra­tion, now a delight­ful annu­al tra­di­tion for the group, unit­ed mem­bers of the Pres­by­ter­ian Church, PC-USA con­gre­ga­tion, the Cameroon­ian com­mu­ni­ty, friends, and oth­er Chris­tians to…

US Media Neglecting Impact of Controversial DACA Decision on African Communities

The Deferred Action for Child­hood Arrivals pro­gram (DACA) has been a top­ic of con­tro­ver­sial dis­cus­sions for the last few years. While the top­ic remains impor­tant, recent­ly its been over­shad­owed by oth­er sub­jects. Even so, the impact of a deci­sion by a US fed­er­al judge who declared the pro­gram ille­gal has thrown the future of thou­sands of…