Truth about Africa Marks 6th Annual Africa Summit in Denver

On Fri­day, Nov. 5, Den­ver-based Africa Agen­da held its 6th Annu­al Africa Sum­mit where atten­dees par­tic­i­pat­ed in a vari­ety of table dis­cus­sions. Cen­tered on the sub­ject of Resilient Africa, the dis­cus­sions high­light­ed lessons the African con­ti­nent can offer towards bounc­ing back and thriv­ing in the face of adver­si­ty. Con­ver­sa­tion top­ics includ­ed peace and jus­tice, human…

Beware Of Africa Misinformation, Says Africa Agenda Director

Dur­ing the 36th Annu­al Black World Con­fer­ence at Met­ro­pol­i­tan State Uni­ver­si­ty of Den­ver on Feb­ru­ary 13, Africa Agen­da founder George Bamu spoke about African Pol­i­tics and the West­ern Media. It’s a sub­ject that the orga­ni­za­tion and its lead­ers hold near and dear to heart. Africa Agen­da, a U.S. 501c (3) non-prof­it was found­ed with a mission…