How Gorbachev’s political legacy was destroyed by Putin

How Gorbachev’s polit­i­cal lega­cy was destroyed by Putin Era of detente and arms con­trol between Wash­ing­ton and Moscow has been replaced by a bloody war in Ukraine Live reac­tion: trib­utes from world lead­ers after Mikhail Gorbachev’s death Mikhail Gor­bachev lived long enough to see every­thing he had tried to achieve crum­ble or get blown up. The era…

The Guardian view on the US in Africa: a better tone, but what next? | Editorial

The Guardian view on the US in Africa: a bet­ter tone, but what next? Edi­to­r­i­al Though the sec­re­tary of state struck the right note on his three-nation tour, it will take more than rhetoric to strength­en part­ner­ships on the con­ti­nent The only way was up. When Don­ald Trump wasn’t den­i­grat­ing “shit­hole coun­tries”, his admin­is­tra­tion showed little…

Blinken makes case for democracy at start of sub-Saharan Africa tour

Blinken makes case for democ­ra­cy at start of sub-Saha­ran Africa tour Sec­re­tary of state tells reporters in South Africa that US ‘not try­ing to out­do any­one’ amid grow­ing influ­ence of Rus­sia and Chi­na  Antony Blinken, the US sec­re­tary of state, has appealed to “gov­ern­ments, com­mu­ni­ties and peo­ples” across Africa to embrace Washington’s vision of democ­ra­cy, openness…

Former US security officials: We did ‘everything possible’ to bring Russia into international systems — Fox News

NEWYou can now lis­ten to Fox News arti­cles!  For­mer secu­ri­ty offi­cials insist that the Unit­ed States made every effort to inte­grate Rus­sia, reject­ing claims that Amer­i­ca “tried to humil­i­ate” the for­mer Sovi­et Union.  “I will go out on a limb here and say that I think every­body from the Clin­ton admin­is­tra­tion to the Bush admin­is­tra­tion, to…

Biden to send new precision-guided artillery rounds to Ukraine — POLITICO

Out of the total promised, eight HIMARS have already been deliv­ered to Ukraine. | Evan Vucci/AP Pho­to  By Lara Selig­man 07/08/2022 01:34 PM EDT Updat­ed: 07/08/2022 02:35 PM EDT Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has approved send­ing a new type of pre­­ci­­sion-guid­ed artillery round to Ukraine that the admin­is­tra­tion believes will give Kyiv a tech­no­log­i­cal edge in its battle…

Belgium gambles on Congo’s President Tshisekedi

Bar­bara Moens is a trade reporter at POLITICO Europe. KINSHASA — The Bel­gian roy­als’ vis­it to Con­go, which end­ed ear­li­er this week, was an attempt to grap­ple with Belgium’s gris­ly colo­nial past. But as a con­se­quence, Brus­sels also end­ed up embrac­ing — and aid­ing — Con­golese Pres­i­dent Félix Tshiseke­di, who came to pow­er in an election…