Competing US views on origins of Covid reveal deeper splits over China policy

FBI chief’s endorse­ment of Covid lab leak the­o­ry high­lights the tus­sle between hawks and doves with­in the admin­is­tra­tion The FBI chief, Chris Wray, has endorsed the the­o­ry that the Covid pan­dem­ic was the result of a lab­o­ra­to­ry leak in Chi­na, fur­ther sharp­en­ing an increas­ing­ly com­bat­ive bilat­er­al rela­tion­ship. In mak­ing his inter­ven­tion, Wray, who was appointed…

Rishi Sunak plans US trip with Northern Ireland high on agenda

UK offi­cials in flur­ry of diplo­ma­cy seek­ing agree­ment with EU over pro­to­col, but play down talk that deal is close Rishi Sunak is con­sid­er­ing a trip to vis­it Joe Biden in the US as talks between the UK and EU over the North­ern Ire­land pro­to­col inten­si­fy. The prime minister’s offi­cials are draw­ing up plans for him…

Europe’s American president: The paradox of Ursula von der Leyen

Europe’s Amer­i­can pres­i­dent: The para­dox of Ursu­la von der Leyen Euro­pean Com­mis­sion chief’s top-down approach has endeared her to Wash­ing­ton but alien­at­ed col­leagues in Brus­sels. By Suzanne Lynch and Ilya Grid­neff Illus­tra­tion by Lucas Pev­er­ill for POLITICO Ursu­la von der Leyen’s whirl­wind tour of the Unit­ed States start­ed in New York at the Unit­ed Nations General…

When will Europe learn to defend itself?

PARIS/BERLIN — Thir­ty years after the hor­rors of the Balkan wars laid bare West­ern Europe’s inca­pac­i­ty to deal with con­flict on Euro­pean soil, Russia’s inva­sion of Ukraine is demon­strat­ing how lit­tle has changed. As Yugoslavia start­ed to break apart in 1991, it fell to the Lux­em­bour­gish For­eign Min­is­ter Jacques Poos to make the ill-fat­ed­­ly optimistic…