A federalized Europe isn’t in America’s interest

Andrew A. Mich­ta is senior fel­low and direc­tor of the Scow­croft Strat­e­gy Ini­tia­tive at the Atlantic Coun­cil of the Unit­ed States. Views expressed here are his own. There’s a sea change com­ing to Europe, and its con­se­quences for America’s rela­tions with key allies haven’t yet reg­is­tered in Wash­ing­ton. Pre­dom­i­nant­ly dri­ven by pres­sure from Berlin and Paris,…

The rise and fall of geopolitical Europe

Nathalie Toc­ci is direc­tor of the Isti­tu­to Affari Inter­nazion­ali, a part-time pro­fes­sor at the Euro­pean Uni­ver­si­ty Insti­tute and a Europe’s Futures fel­low at the Insti­tute for Human Sci­ences. Her lat­est book, “A Green and Glob­al Europe,” is out with Poli­ty. As the Euro­pean Union’s lead­er­ship enters its last lap, with the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment elec­tions scheduled…

Wagner and Russia are here to stay in Africa, says Lavrov

PARIS – Russia’s For­eign Min­is­ter Sergey Lavrov has vowed Wagner’s oper­a­tions in Mali and the Cen­tral African Repub­lic “will con­tin­ue” despite the failed rebel­lion led by Yevge­ny Prigozhin, leader of the mer­ce­nary Wag­n­er Group. The para­mil­i­tary group has expand­ed its reach across Latin Amer­i­ca, the Mid­dle East and Africa in recent years and it has been…

Why China Is Investing in Africa’s Green Energy Future

A wind farm in Namib­ia and a float­ing solar farm on Zim­bab­we’s mas­sive Kari­ba Dam are among the new green ener­gy projects Chi­nese com­pa­nies are look­ing at invest­ing in this year after Bei­jing pledged to help African coun­tries address their ener­gy prob­lems with renew­able sources rather than fos­sil fuels.  “Chi­nese over­seas renew­able ener­gy invest­ments aim to…